What RPG made you like the genre

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Current Events » What RPG made you like the genre
Mine was Link to the past and than Chrono trigger hooked me all the way
Bout to pick up The Sukoden type game that just came out so got me thinking
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Final Fantasy 5
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band! https://imgur.com/p9Xvjvs
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Zelda 2
FF9 or Pokemon Silver

Whichever came first
Legend of Legaia sparked my fascination. It didn't click on my first try, but I came back a while later and couldn't put it down.
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
It will come as zero shock, Ultima 4.

Couple of other ones I played early on were Bard's Tale and Phantasie III.
Switch/PC 16 GB 6700k RTX 3080
Cards/Suns/'Yotes/Diamondbacks/ASU Fan
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest back on the SNES
There is no need for gulags for those that consent to their own chains - Thomas Williams
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my first rpg was Pokemon but I wouldn't have considered myself interested in the genre as a whole until after I played KOTOR
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Breath of Fire 2.

It was the first RPG I played as a kid and what started my lifelong love of the genre.
Save for your doomed future
FF4, back in 1991-1992. Rented it from blockbuster multiple times. Still have fond memories of playing it before school on weekday mornings.
Like it or leave it. Hey, where are you going?
haarlem1982 posted...
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest back on the SNES

Yuuuup. Me too. First one I ever played and I was hooked from the start!
I wrote a horror novel, called "Spare Parts." A whole damn novel! You can check it out, and other free short stories at http://www.aarondeck.com
Dragon Warrior on NES. They sent me that mofo in the mail! I didn't even buy it. The first hit, it was free!
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Final Fantasy 6
She is like a cat in the dark. And then she is the darkness
i think the first RPG i played and got hooked on was KotOR. i was always a shooter or mario guy before that.
Marching on in deathly silence, upon the shores we go.
Crashing tides applaud the violence, upon the shores we go.
Super Mario RPG. Didn't even know what an RPG was at the time, just thought it was some weird subtitle.
This is a signature.
Mario RPG, because it was my first one. I didn't even know what an RPG was before then, and wanted to play more immediately afterwards.
...I think I'm done here...
Constant isolation and distress.
Final Fantasy 9 for traditional menu rpgs. First one I ever beat I think on consoles.

Kingdom Hearts however made me like action rpgs more to the point that Im not interested in turn based anymore outside of Pokemon on handheld consoles.
Switch FC: SW-3917-4425-6106
PSN: PiKappaPhi769
Dragon Warrior 1, tbh
turn-based - Persona 3
action - Jade Empire
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own." -
mr. MFN eXquire. https://imgur.com/4CDGncR
Secret of Mana was my first RPG, but I was never able to replay it because the story is very "baby's first JRPG".

Then I played FFIV, which aged better but is still very basic.

These days I even find FFVI shallow, but it was revolutionary at the time and made me love the games.

By PS1 era we had the good stuff. Suikoden 2, Xenogears, FFVII, BoF 3. Who wouldn't love the genre then?

Unfortunately, it did not really get any better than that.
I've got the Oscar fever! Hope you've got it too! Pour me some bubbly now it's all you gotta do!
My first RPG was the original Dragon Warrior/Quest on the NES. But what truly made me like RPGs were Final Fantasy Adventure (AKA, Secret of Mana) and Final Fantasy Legend III (AKA, SaGa III).
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
final fantasy 6 and Suikoden 2 were probably my first examples of RPG's that i truly loved to play
Pokemon and Zelda I guess?
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Breath of Fire 3. I played and liked RPGs before that, but that was the one that made me go "these are my games. I love this kind of game."
It was a slew of RPGs from the summer of 1990 to the summer of 1991 that did the trick:

Final Fantasy, Crystalis, Destiny of an Emperor, Ultima: QOA, Sword of Vermilion, Phantasy Star 2 & 3.
You wish to fill Lionel's coffers? Yes, ha, ha, ha, yes!!!
It was either Fallout 1 or Betrayal in Antara. I first played their demos (and eventually full versions) around the same time.
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
Chrono Trigger
No lollygaggin'.
Either Pokemon Blue or FF7
The greatest rooster you've never heard of
Order of rpgs played-

  1. Dragon Warrior 1 (did not make me like genre: i like it now but struggled as a kid.)
  2. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars (it's this one that made me like Rpgs)
  3. Chrono Trigger (best rpg ever. I was set for life here.)
  4. Breath of Fire 2 (loved this game and hilariously found the plot super original since my other rpgs were weird unusual ones so far)

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Pokemon Gold was my entry, but I'd say Dragon Warrior Monsters was when I realized I liked the genre beyond just Pokemon
She/They, no substitutions~
Grandia 2 for the JRPG

Baulders Gate (the original) for the WRPG
Robot2600 posted...
Dragon Warrior on NES. They sent me that mofo in the mail! I didn't even buy it. The first hit, it was free!
Same here
PSN : formerdonut
Can't remember which one I played first out of Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy 4, but it was one of those. Other games I played around the same time that cemented my love were Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy 7, and Chrono Trigger.
Pokemon Blue made me me find it acceptable. FF7 made me like it.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
The first one ever played: Phantasy Star.

I'd seen other people play games like Might & Magic and Ultima on PC, but that was the first "real" RPG I ever personally played. I'm not including games that just had some RPG elements like Black Tiger or action games Legend of Zelda.
My first one, FF6. Wasn't really aware of the genre before that so I had no preconceptions.
Destiny of an Emperor
aka TritochZERO
Dragon Warrior was probably the first one I played

unless you count the original Zelda
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Secret of Evermore
"Oh man would you just shut up already, how come all you sword guys have to talk about how cool your swords are?"
Wild ARMs 2
Wild ARMs is still the best JRPG series in my opinion and we desperately need a new game in the series!
Fallout 3 tbh
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)
Final Fantasy II on SNES
I thought it looked like the dumbest shit ever until I played it
Sack to crack, going to town
Final Fantasy VII
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
Final Fantasy 6 (in its western 3 form on snes) was the first jrpg I really got into, and developed my interest in the genre.
Neverwinter Nights
I don't want to be a snuff film reviewer. I want my hobbies to be farming, coin collecting, and reading. - farmer88
My Mario Maker 2 ID is 6RG-5XK-JCG
Final Fantasy (1) back on the NES, not a re-release or subsequent remaster.
I'm not here for friends. I'm here for the truth to the best of my knowledge of it, even if it's not what people want to hear.
Current Events » What RPG made you like the genre
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