Do you think the Crucifixion of Jesus happened? Historically speaking

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Current Events » Do you think the Crucifixion of Jesus happened? Historically speaking
I wonder if a big part of it wasn't "removing" all the power from the Gods/pantheon, and placing into the hands of people, especially religious leaders. Control of the elements, and all that. Possibly due to power struggles between various sects, and general unstability, with many Gods having Greek counterparts and their authenticity likely a big topic of dispute, sparking some of these things that became the more solid or core Christianity (monotheism)

The Egyptians did go through similar developments iirc,
nekrodev posted...
Almost certainly. How much of what the Bible says about the guy is true is up for debate, but someone w/ the same name was definitely crucified.

"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
People (and dogs) are way smarter than we give them credit for.

Follow your nose :)
WalkingPlague posted...

its all a fairy tale based on the sun god; horus.

Just FYI that zeitgeist movie got basically everything wrong. The Egyptian sun god is Ra, not Horus. Because the foundation of the Horus shit is bunk, every conclusion drawn from it is similarly bunk.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
Just FYI that zeitgeist movie got basically everything wrong. The Egyptian sun god is Ra, not Horus. Because the foundation of the Horus shit is bunk, every conclusion drawn from it is similarly bunk.
It also ultimately derives its source from a guy in the 1800's who just made it up.
I are Serious Cat
This is serious thread
The Jews waited for a Messiah that would save them, and it existed multiple candidates that each did different miracles.
One could walk on water. One could turn water to wine. One could heal the sick.
Jesus was probably somebody that wanted a better world, or had some strange dreams, and a high Charisma stat.
He most likely got credit for what the others did, either by mistake or on purpose, some of it probably happened after his death.
The early Christians didnt really know what to believe, and were split in many many groups. Some shared the same text but read it different. Some texts had smaller changes. Some had huge differences. Some had unique texts.
And your fellow Christians could kill you if you belong to the wrong group.
As time went on, more was added while other got removed.
Until one day 900 or so years later when it was decided to unify Christians as one group, one book, one belief.
...of course they picked the texts that fit their own views...
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Death via Crucifixion was definitely a thing back then. And about rising from the dead, it's possible he never really died, but was severely injured, but recovered, or lived on for couple days(3?), than passed away.
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
Sheiky-Baby posted...
Death via Crucifixion was definitely a thing back then. And about rising from the dead, it's possible he never really died, but was severely injured, but recovered, or lived on for couple days(3?), than passed away.
That's one of my favorite theories

Like The Last Samurai
Xethuminra posted...
That's one of my favorite theories

Like The Last Samurai
It's definitely the most realistic, lol
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
Zikten posted...
Only issue is that I don't think the Romans had any record of his execution or criminal trial. So I don't know.

How many crucifixions do you think happened that year? How many of the killed people can you name? Going that far into the past is going to have a lot of "maybes, we're not 100% sure." Most records aren't kept.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Sheiky-Baby posted...
It's definitely the most realistic, lol
Imagining Tom Cruise as The Christ

The Roman leader in the Bible, I forgot his name, did exist.
Every record of him tells about a brutal man that burned down Jewish villages if it existed a rumor that some anti-Roman person was hiding there.
The Bible shows him as a person that tries to actually save Jesus, which is extremely OOC. It also tells about a tradition that the Romans released a prisoner every Easter. The Bible is the only record we got on that tradition, so it is most likely fake as well.
Most likely that whole book was written to Roman-wash Jesus death, putting the blame on the Jews, most likely around the time Rome turned Christian. I mean, do you want to convert your whole Empire to a religion where you are the bad guy?
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Xethuminra posted...
Imagining Tom Cruise as The Christ

He's about the right height.
Yes, it did happen.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Current Events » Do you think the Crucifixion of Jesus happened? Historically speaking
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