Caucasian Nepo Baby Hasan, criticizes white woman for taking Asian Husbands Name

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Current Events » Caucasian Nepo Baby Hasan, criticizes white woman for taking Asian Husbands Name
Interesting analogy afterwards
Hasan sucks.

I say this as a leftist.
I don't know who this is but someone might want to let him know that's more than likely the case with most marriages. Why he chose to single out this one particular woman i dont know.
Italian, French, German.
Lol does he not know how marriage typically works? Fucking youtubers.

Dinosaurs built the pyramids.
Some people get really weird when it comes to Asians.
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
JFC I can't stand that dude. Like what is this moron even talking about? It's one non sequitur after another. ...Didn't he get called out recently by a lot of people, for not actually understanding anything he talks about?
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Let them fight.
"There's no return from darkness. There's no return, I promise."
Another great take from Hasan "America deserved 9/11" Piker
The large print giveth
And the small print taketh away
dude is a fucking moron, what i else is new...
Fuck Brianna Wu. She went batting for Israel by going "both sides", even when they're massacring Palestinians.
SauI_Goodman posted...
I don't know who this is but someone might want to let him know that's more than likely the case with most marriages. Why he chose to single out this one particular woman i dont know.

didn't watch the clip because it sounds cringe inducing but i'd bet he targeted her cuz of some hidden internal discomfort with asian male white female relationships lol
SauI_Goodman posted...
I don't know who this is but someone might want to let him know that's more than likely the case with most marriages. Why he chose to single out this one particular woman i dont know.

Brianna "Palestine protesters wants to genocide Israelis" Wu
Fenriswolf posted...
Fuck Brianna Wu. She went batting for Israel by going "both sides", even when they're massacring Palestinians.
okay so he should argue against her statements then, not the fact that she took her husbands last name
Hee Ho
Yeah Brianna Wu fucking sucks I don't give a shit what anyone says about her.

He said a dumb thing, but if it's trying to get people to not take Brianna Wu seriously, fuck it.

Sigs are for losers.
Please provide a warning next time you link to her twitter.

Let's make biscuits!
Nahhhh she definitely has been pretending to be trans and Asian for the past like 5 years now at least lol
When you're streaming on the microphone for 9 hours straight, however days a week, you're bound to say to some less than insightful stuff.

just super saiyan.
>brianna wu

deserved, next
You felt your sins weighing on your neck.
Post #21 was unavailable or deleted.
Sop giving these dorks attention. They are just grifting
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
"this is like saying the n word because you married a black dude" is one hell of a dumb take
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
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At least streaming is Hasan's full time job. Brianna Wu meanwhile is supposed to be a game developer but has not shipped a game since 2015. She criticized the games industry for lacking character design diversity, but released a game Revolution 60 where the main characters are all blondes with Barbie doll proportions. The game was released full of bugs on PC, but she insisted that they're puzzles. She claimed that she's working on a sequel which addresses the first game's issues, but has gone radio silent and instead went for two failed congressional bids. And now thanks to her Zionist shilling she lost most of her left wing supporters from the Gamergate days.
hasan fucking sucks so much
You act like I don't know my own way home
Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
Wait a minute. When people get married they take their husband's last name???
Brianna Wu vs Hasan Piker, truly a meeting of the minds.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
Game devs don't deserve money- Zithers, in a topic he made on a game site about artists deserving money.
Remember when Brianna wu tan for office and her whole platform was gamergate hated me and I have a motorcycle
I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
I must be behind on the lore isn't she the one Gamergaters hate so much?
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
I must be behind on the lore isn't she the one Gamergaters hate so much?

She's one of the 3 original "main" targets.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Both are big losers but this is a really weird thing for Hasan to focus on.
~ DH ~
Hasan fucking sucks lol
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Smashingpmkns posted...
Nahhhh she definitely has been pretending to be trans and Asian for the past like 5 years now at least lol
How does one pretend to be trans? Like she's saying she is a woman, but not cis? Or did she claim to be a trans man?

I know literally nothing about Brianna Wu beyond that she was a Gamergate target.
When Brianna Wu turns out more right wing than the gamer gate community.
Aloc will now post in PG or try
Still dont get why anyone watches his streams.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Hasan is a fucking moron. I get the appeal is that he has no filters, but jesus christ the man never thinks before he opens his mouth. And I say this as someone who leans left.
Brianna "I failed to grift from the left so I pivoted to the right wing grift" Wu?
My high school Spanish teacher had the last name Moscoso and she is the whitest woman I have ever met in my life.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Hasan is right about Palestine at least.
Everyone I see something from this guy he comes off as a complete loser/mega douche
Hasan "baby settlers" Abi
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
Post #44 was unavailable or deleted.
Hot take that shouldnt be a hot take: NOBODY should be taking their spouses last name. You are not their property and you already had a last name.
Hot take that shouldnt be a hot take: NOBODY should be taking their spouses last name. You are not their property and you already had a last name.

And the kids? And the kids when they get married?
Post #47 was unavailable or deleted.
No idea who Hasan is, but I assume he says nothing of value ever, what with all his takes burning up instantly from intense heat.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Accolon posted...
Hasan sucks.

I say this as a leftist.
Brianna Wu sucks.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Hot take that shouldnt be a hot take: NOBODY should be taking their spouses last name. You are not their property and you already had a last name.

Hotter take: you shouldn't be concerned w/ what other people do of their own free choice, especially when it isn't hurting anyone/anything.

Also, as dumb as Hasan's takes usually are on a lot of things, he can shit on Brianna Wu all day, I don't care. Also, also, calling Hasan a nepo baby while the on screen Twitter post is of Brianna talking about how her parents just gave her 200k to fail as an entrepreneur lmao
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
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Current Events » Caucasian Nepo Baby Hasan, criticizes white woman for taking Asian Husbands Name
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