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Thanks for the drawing suggestions, everyone.

Current Events

Current Events » Thanks for the drawing suggestions, everyone.
Unfortunately the fuzz found us in the end and shut down the whole operation. I made it out unscathed, but I'm not so sure about Kaiganeer. ._. Anyway, it's probably best not to try to finish the requests and poke the bear anymore.
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TeaMilk posted...
Hambo posted...
Kaiganeer. ._.

Never forget. That one is a hero who took one for the team.
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
Twas a magnificent last stand. I have the whole post screenshotted so I can always look back on it and marvel. But hey, they're still only listed as suspended at the moment. There's still a possibility, however remote, that they could still pull through. </cope>
Hambo's alt.
Current Events » Thanks for the drawing suggestions, everyone.