Trump's plans for America, if re-elected

Current Events

Current Events » Trump's plans for America, if re-elected

To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn't carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America's founding. He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn't paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.

Trump has sought to recast an insurrectionist riot as an act of patriotism. "I call them the J-6 patriots," he says. When I ask whether he would consider pardoning every one of them, he says, "Yes, absolutely."

For an operation of that scale, Trump says he would rely mostly on the National Guard to round up and remove undocumented migrants throughout the country. "If they weren't able to, then I'd use [other parts of] the military," he says. When I ask if that means he would override the Posse Comitatus Actan 1878 law that prohibits the use of military force on civiliansTrump seems unmoved by the weight of the statute. "Well, these aren't civilians," he says. "These are people that aren't legally in our country." He would also seek help from local police and says he would deny funding for jurisdictions that decline to adopt his policies. "There's a possibility that some won't want to participate," Trump says, "and they won't partake in the riches."

At the same time, he has sought to defuse a potent campaign issue for the Democrats by saying he wouldn't sign a federal ban. In our interview at Mar-a-Lago, he declines to commit to vetoing any additional federal restrictions if they came to his desk. More than 20 states now have full or partial abortion bans, and Trump says those policies should be left to the states to do what they want, including monitoring women's pregnancies. "I think they might do that," he says. When I ask whether he would be comfortable with states prosecuting women for having abortions beyond the point the laws permit, he says, "It's irrelevant whether I'm comfortable or not. It's totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions." President Biden has said he would fight state anti-abortion measures in court and with regulation.

On the campaign trail, Trump uses crime as a cudgel, painting urban America as a savage hell-scape even though violent crime has declined in recent years, with homicides sinking 6% in 2022 and 13% in 2023, according to the FBI. When I point this out, Trump tells me he thinks the data, which is collected by state and local police departments, is rigged. "It's a lie," he says. He has pledged to send the National Guard into cities struggling with crime in a second termpossibly without the request of governorsand plans to approve Justice Department grants only to cities that adopt his preferred policing methods like stop-and-frisk.

Fixing the "antiwhite feeling"
When I ask if he agrees, Trump does not dispute this position. "There is a definite antiwhite feeling in the country," he tells TIME, "and that can't be allowed either." In a second term, advisers say, a Trump Administration would rescind Biden's Executive Orders designed to boost diversity and racial equity.

All your favorite RPGs:
You could have summed this up by saying
"Destroy the country."
pazzy posted...
You could have summed this up by saying
"Destroy the country."

Both sides though!1!1!!1!
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
So uhhh...who does the dumbfuck plan to have perform all the cheap labor of the migrants he reports?

Also BuT BiDeN
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed

Loudly proclaiming that he would be a fascist.

But remember, we're overreacting, right?
"Let me hear you make decisions
Without your television."
Deyestus posted...
Loudly proclaiming that he would be a fascist.

But remember, we're overreacting, right?
Literally said he'd be a dictator in day one.
ClayGuida posted...
Literally said he'd be a dictator in day one.
For one day.

However we know one day will turn into one week, then a month, then a year and then for the rest of his life.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
This would be pretty damning for his chance of re-election, if Americans could read.
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
If only the anti Biden bros who swear Trump won't be that bad will post in this thread.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
ScazarMeltex posted...
So uhhh...who does the dumbfuck plan to have perform all the cheap labor of the migrants he reports?

Also BuT BiDeN

thats what children are for

I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
ScazarMeltex posted...
So uhhh...who does the dumbfuck plan to have perform all the cheap labor of the migrants he reports?

Also BuT BiDeN
There's a reason why some states are loosening child labor laws
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
thronedfire2 posted...
thats what children are for
Child are immigrants of the womb, after all
I feel well put
Dark_twisted posted...
There's a reason why some states are loosening child labor laws
And labor laws in general. And also why laws against homelessness (and the enforcement thereof) are ramping up in cruelty.
SilvosForever posted...

Its actually crazy when you pause for a moment and actually think about what this would look like.

It would be civil war.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
fuck Trump and fuck anyone who supports his fascist dictatorial aspirations
It don't matter. None of this matters.
ReiRei89 posted...
If only the anti Biden bros who swear Trump won't be that bad will post in this thread.

We could tag them but it seems kind of petty. Especially given the fact that they seemingly knows he's worse, they just never specify that.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
All the more reason to be "vote blue no matter who" tbh.
Wild ARMs is still the best JRPG series in my opinion and we desperately need a new game in the series!
Biden campaign says Trump echoed Hitler with use of word 'vermin'

Trump Echoes Hitler: Migrants "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country"
A page right out Hitler's Nazi propaganda playbook hitler-migrants-poisoning-the-blood-of-our-country

Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again
It followed several days of Trump and his supporters embracing his "day one dictator" rhetoric

Trump Echoes Hitler, Threatens to Rid America of 'Vermin' from Within
Trump implied his political opponents are a more dangerous threat than terrorists hitler-threatens-to-rid-america-of-vermin-from-within

Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report

Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024

Trump plots mass detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power

Trump plans sweeping undocumented immigrant roundups, detention camps

Former president vows to investigate TV networks for country-threatening treason should he win US election next year

Trump Doubles Down on Dreams of Being a Dictator
"I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill, the former president said

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Weve been menaced by fascists before, you two-bit goon, tweeted one critic. We recognize the threat you represent from the darkest pages of our history.

Trump Bashes Jewish Leaders for Not Being Loyal After His Dinner With Holocaust Deniers
Jewish allies have been "begging" the former president to condemn Kanye West. He's now told them to shut up and bow down

Trump told chief of staff Hitler 'did a lot of good things', book says

Trump Praised Hitler During Same Trip That He Disparaged U.S. War Dead

Trump wanted US generals to be like Hitler's generals

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet.' In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader's 'Mein Kampf' but said he would never read speeches

Schmidt: Trump's 'only affinity for reading anything were the Adolf Hitler speeches he kept on his nightstand'
Trump: A record high stock market means Ive built the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Also Trump: A record high stock market means Joe Biden has destroyed the economy.

Also Also Trump: Watch what happens to the economy when I deport 11 million people doing the agriculture, construction, and sanitation jobs no one else will do.
"This is why I vote for policy and not the letter next to a name, and why I will be coy and pretend I still am unsure of who I am voting for in November!"
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
darkace77450 posted...
Trump: A record high stock market means Ive built the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Also Trump: A record high stock market means Joe Biden has destroyed the economy.

Also Also Trump: Watch what happens to the economy when I deport 11 million people doing the agriculture, construction, and sanitation jobs no one else will do.

Yeah, it's pretty amusing how easy it is to grill cult members on the dumb shit they say. They are still operating under the assumption that inflation is like 9%, and obviously cannot answer any of the other obvious questions about inflation you ask them.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
"Migrant detention camp" sounds awfully familiar.

Insurrection being considered "patriotism" is pretty rich coming from the weasel who gassed and arrested peaceful protestors. Guess only rebellion he likes counts.

Military force on civilians, well that's certainly in character for Trump.

And Trump thinks black people are criminals, that's also consistent with him.

Couldn't imagine the sheer amount of privilege you'd have to have to even consider not voting against this clown.

Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
thronedfire2 posted...
thats what children are for

Kim Reynolds and Sarah Huckasans have been making sure of this, among other governors.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Rexdragon125 posted...

This should be its own thread and stickied.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Umbreon posted...
Military force on civilians, well that's certainly in character for Trump.

reminds me of the time they pepper sprayed some people because trump wanted that spot to hold a bible.
trump did that.
currently playing: crash bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (ps4) 3rd game atm
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
Shadow_Don posted...
Its actually crazy when you pause for a moment and actually think about what this would look like.

It would be civil war.
There are people who believe civil war is necessary at this point.
The stuff about the people who were arrested for J6 is something he's been bringing up repeatedly on the campaign trail. He's been talking about them in positive terms and suggesting he'd pardon them.

It really seems like he's both doing it to keep his base fired up and to encourage his supporters to commit another act like J6 if he loses.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
UnsteadyOwl posted...
He's been talking about them in positive terms and suggesting he'd pardon them.
He absolutely won't.
DrizztLink posted...
He absolutely won't.

Yeah, this. Cheeto Benito will do anything to get back in the White House and pursue his mission of destroying our great country. Lie, cheat, steal, and even kill for it, most like.
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
UnsteadyOwl posted...
The stuff about the people who were arrested for J6 is something he's been bringing up repeatedly on the campaign trail. He's been talking about them in positive terms and suggesting he'd pardon them.

It really seems like he's both doing it to keep his base fired up and to encourage his supporters to commit another act like J6 if he loses.

On the flip side, I had wandered into the AP youtube chat to see if they had any trial coverage and some of the dipshit cult were talking about how January 6th was a fed inside job. They're so fucking dumb. lol
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
UnsteadyOwl posted...
The stuff about the people who were arrested for J6 is something he's been bringing up repeatedly on the campaign trail. He's been talking about them in positive terms and suggesting he'd pardon them.

It really seems like he's both doing it to keep his base fired up and to encourage his supporters to commit another act like J6 if he loses.

he threw them all under the bus and sent them to prison but he still wants their votes

I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
DrizztLink posted...
He absolutely won't.
Like everything with Trump it's purely transactional. If he believes he stands to gain personally by pardoning them then he will. Otherwise he won't.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
UnsteadyOwl posted...
Like everything with Trump it's purely transactional. If he believes he stands to gain personally by pardoning them then he will.
He won't.

They're sacrifices at best.

He's not going to take time out of his busy schedule of golf and diaper changes to bail out a bunch of people he thinks are failures.
Civil War
DrizztLink posted...
He absolutely won't.

despite the outcome, hopefully those bad people who participated in the insurrection still remain in prison for a long time.
currently playing: crash bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (ps4) 3rd game atm
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
Independent voters: On the other hand, Bidens policies arent perfect and his dog bit some people. Ergo, these two political entities are equivalent.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DrizztLink posted...
He won't.

They're sacrifices at best.

He's not going to take time out of his busy schedule of golf and diaper changes to bail out a bunch of people he thinks are failures.

As long as they are felons they cant vote. Republicans are going to want to do a mass pardon to get their votes for 2026.
People are lazy. With television you just sit-watch-listen. The thinking is done for you.
A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News - Roger Ailes, Fox News founder
bobbycorwin posted...
As long as they are felons they cant vote.
Depends on the state.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
I kinda wish stone cold would have given him a shoot stunner 18 years ago
Funny how the anti Biden bros are absent from this thread.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
ReiRei89 posted...
Funny how the anti Biden bros are absent from this thread.

A deafening absence indeed.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
They continue to push 4 more years of Biden isnt survivable but Trumps fascist AMERICA is
Current Events » Trump's plans for America, if re-elected