Fucking hell, just got my life scared out of me, i saw a big ass spider running

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WingsOfGood posted...
You have them in your house? They will leave little poo pellets. I had one get in somehow and had to get him to come out of hiding. Tried to catch him in a plastic tupperware thing but he got through a tiny hole into my couch pillows. Luckily moving them around he jumped on my pants so I just walked outside and got him off.

Nah, they're too big to get in the house. They like to live around the back wall between properties, since they can climb it and sun themselves. They basically patrol the perimeter, though, since I stopped putting out scorpion traps because baby lizards were getting trapped in them. Only once did a lizard ever actually get in the house, and it was a tiny baby that must have ran in when the door was open. It ran underneath a large box containing a shelf that I tried to move so it could be caught, and... It tried to run to stay under the box, and basically got itself crushed.

I legit felt bad about it for a few minutes.
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
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