why aren't kids into modern comic books?

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Current Events » why aren't kids into modern comic books?
Kids today mostly go for Manga/Manhwa, and anime

All the middle aged people, the one's that grew up in the 80's and/or 90's go for the comics, and manga
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
I mean they actually might be, they just don't pay for it.
Free comics are one Google away...
"Saxon = joke account - I might put that in my sig." - MrXbox360_2012
Manga is more accessible and has a wider variety. More new IP too.
I post clips of my cool, stupid and glitchy MH Sunbreak and Tears of the Kingdom gameplay here just for fun.
Unsuprised_Pika posted...
Manga is more accessible

Yes, that's true.

Unsuprised_Pika posted...
and has a wider variety. More new IP too.

This isn't. People really need to learn to look beyond Marvel & DC. There's a wide variety of genres and IP beyond Marvel/DC's superhero comics. It was true for a really long period of time though.
In the early decades both Marvel and DC had a wide variety, yet started to focus on nothing but superhero comics from about the 80s onward. But the rise of things like Image and indies have brought that variety back. Just like manga there's horror, romance, slice of life, fantasy, sci-fi,... comics these days.
Back in the early 90s and 80s you could get 4 comic books for one hour minimum wage,
Today you can get only 1 for minimum wage in most states.
Comics are a luxury item. Its not needed. Rent, bills, utilities, gas, car insurance, food and everything is 4x times and more than they were back then also, with pay not even doubling what it was back then.
so why waste a lot of money on something not needed when you have thousands of free options in front of you.
Also people werent paying high prices for phone bills and there was no internet bill.
dhampire1 posted...
Back in the early 90s and 80s you could get 4 comic books for one hour minimum wage,
Today you can get only 1 for minimum wage in most states.
Comics are a luxury item. Its not needed. Rent, bills, utilities, gas, car insurance, food and everything is 4x times and more than they were back then also, with pay not even doubling what it was back then.
so why waste a lot of money on something not needed when you have thousands of free options in front of you.
Also people werent paying high prices for phone bills and there was no internet bill.

In the 90s comics were sold at the grocer. Kids could beg their parents to buy one.
They aren't at the grocer anymore.
Why? Price too high. Wouldn't sell.
TheSavageDragon posted...
People really need to learn to look beyond Marvel & DC.
I've actually been finding lately that the tie-in/adaptation comics that I always assumed were as bad as any other adaptation can be surprisingly decent, and much less prone to the continuity problem.

IDW's Metal Gear Solid comics, for example, were a nice blend of the original game, ideas from the remake and a smattering of its own original ideas. With an art style that's really reminiscent of the original game's concept art and stuff. It even had a couple of panels where stuff that was just sorta talked about in the source is actually acted out. Just a really good companion piece.

Then there was Boom's Mega Man Fully Charged series, which was actually way better than the TV show it was a sequel to.

There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
They're expensive, you can't just come across them anymore and have to seek them out.

If you know kids who might be interested get them one. They'll probably like it.

Theres a lot of great ones out there.

And there is PLENTY outside of marvel and DC. Plenty.

Look up the comic "the sacrificers" or sonic, or the tmnt stuff. All kinds of great works out there. You have to put some effort in but thats anything worth getting into.
The succotash is suffering.
Why read comic books and pay for them when you can watch douchebags act like assholes to people on YouTube for free?
I used to be a blackjack dealer on a riverboat named Black Sally's Apple. It was a very low point in my life
Another BIG reason. Look at the dialogue in Mangas, mostly kept short with big fonts. In comics you have characters with 10-20 bubbles with an essays worth of dialogue. Kids today have short attention spans, and have no time for that shit
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
Sheiky-Baby posted...
Another BIG reason. Look at the dialogue in Mangas, mostly kept short with big fonts. In comics you have characters with 10-20 bubbles with an essays worth of dialogue. Kids today have short attention spans, and have no time for that shit

It's one of the reasons I like Hunter X Hunter the anime, but cannot stand the manga. Yes, the manga is better written, and events happen in a much better format. But the dialogue is ridiculously long. Literal pages of dialogue. I don't even think in my youth when I was reading 1 goosebumps book a night I could deal with that much dialogue.
Some great comic not from the big two:




Reading any of these is well worth your time and they are collected in graphic novels so you dont have to chase down individual issues.
The succotash is suffering.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
IDW's Metal Gear Solid comics, for example, were a nice blend of the original game, ideas from the remake and a smattering of its own original ideas. With an art style that's really reminiscent of the original game's concept art and stuff. It even had a couple of panels where stuff that was just sorta talked about in the source is actually acted out. Just a really good companion piece.

I read those when they came out. I recall liking the writing, but finding the art style somewhat difficult to comprehend in certain panels.
TheSavageDragon posted...
I read those when they came out. I recall liking the writing, but finding the art style somewhat difficult to comprehend in certain panels.
That was one of only two gripes I had with them. They went for a strictly no-outlines kind of technique and also went monochrome on most of the pages, so a couple of pages were visually confusing. But for the most part, it worked.

The other was Snake never growing to tolerate Otacon. It was a kinda fun gimmick but it kinda undermined the themes of the story.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Unless we're using piracy as an example of something that increases sales (which it could be an argument for), then piracy isn't a factor since the whole rationale about manga being bigger than comics is due to the higher sales and revenue ie paid copies.
In any case, one of the reasons for this is that manga is more visibly varied. Yes, shonen is the main bigshot among mangas but there are still a lot of other genres that are big and even among shonen there are a variety of different premises and genres.
I again post the words from a Batman writer:
Its not too hard to figure out, really, he said. Theres a lot of dedication, passion, and craft in manga comics. And thats missing, almost entirely, from the Big Two. Marvel and DC still run the store here. They still are the market leaders. And unfortunately, there is no variety there. Theres nothing really different. Theres not something for everybody the way there is in manga.
I mean, in Japanese manga theres golf comics. Theres not one comic about golf. Theres multiple [manga] about golf. And Ive made reference on these videos to one of my favorite manga, which is about fishing. Its just about fishing. Its not about vampires fishing on another planet or witches fishing or fishing after a zombie apocalypse. This is about guys fishing. Surf casting and whatever. Fishing from boats, fishing on the shore, fishing from the banks of rivers, and the stories are fascinating, and beautifully drawn, and beautifully realized.
But here, what do we get? We get superheroes and poorly done superheroes. There really isnt anything else at the mainstream companies. Its superheroes, superheroes, superheroes.
Why, why would you want to read this crap if you had a choice of reading a genre that you prefer, be it horror, or mystery, or espionage, or golf? When theres only one flavor in American comics, of course Japanese comics are going to win the day.
He went on, The biggest problem here is that all I see American comic book creators, the people in the mainstream do, is complain about manga. Well, why dont you learn from manga? Why dont you look at what manga is doing and do that? And I dont mean draw people with huge eyes and lots of speed lines. Do more varied stories, do more complex stories. Put more effort into the artwork. Put more effort into the craft.
While he thinks comic book writers ought to look toward manga, he doesnt mean just copy it. If they try to copy it just like they did in the 90s here in the United States, theyll just get it all wrong. They dont know what theyre doing. They have no interest. Theyre just complain about it, as if thats going to get them any more readers. . . I dont see the mainstream, the Big Two ever catching up, he said.

Also isekai isn't really a manga thing. That's an anime/Light Novel thing.
Make love, not war- too many people have forgotten this
StarSpangled posted...

Also isekai isn't really a manga thing. That's an anime/Light Novel thing.

There's tons of isekai manga. It's just that the most popular isekai animes are LN adaptations.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
There's tons of isekai manga. It's just that the most popular isekai animes are LN adaptations.

Original manga? Most isekai manga I've seen are also adaptations to the LN and don't seem to last very long, usually itself just an accessory to the anime.
Make love, not war- too many people have forgotten this
StarSpangled posted...
Unless we're using piracy as an example of something that increases sales (which it could be an argument for), then piracy isn't a factor since the whole rationale about manga being bigger than comics is due to the higher sales and revenue ie paid copies.

Neither the title or the OP mentioned sales.
You seem to have just thrown that out there because?
And who says comic sales are even bad? Infact right now many comics are getting 3rd or even 4th printings. I know this because I am not just talking about my butt, I am actively buying comics and also watching anime.
StarSpangled posted...
Original manga? Most isekai manga I've seen are also adaptations to the LN and don't seem to last very long, usually itself just an accessory to the anime.

Yeah. A new one launched just this March called Goze Hotaru which I've tacked onto my reading list but haven't gotten around to it yet.

If you stretch the definition of "original" and "manga" a little to include doujins, there's enough for several lifetimes.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
WingsOfGood posted...
Neither the title or the OP mentioned sales.
You seem to have just thrown that out there because?
And who says comic sales are even bad? Infact right now many comics are getting 3rd or even 4th printings. I know this because I am not just talking about my butt, I am actively buying comics and also watching anime.

How do you quantify manga being bigger than comics then? I remember this whole concept of manga becoming bigger than comics happened after articles showing just how much more manga was selling than comics. Before then people just default assumed comics was bigger than manga.

Tyranthraxus posted...
Yeah. A new one launched just this March called Goze Hotaru which I've tacked onto my reading list but haven't gotten around to it yet.

If you stretch the definition of "original" and "manga" a little to include doujins, there's enough for several lifetimes.

Doujin is more similar to webcomics and both are considered seperate to big commercial manga and comics.
Make love, not war- too many people have forgotten this
StarSpangled posted...
How do you quantify manga being bigger than comics then? I remember this whole concept of manga becoming bigger than comics happened after articles showing just how much more manga was selling than comics. Before then people just default assumed comics was bigger than manga.

I don't know that it is bigger. But is it more popular with kids is a different thing.
How do you know this? You ask kids what they are into and they say some anime or manga.
WingsOfGood posted...
I don't know that it is bigger. But is it more popular with kids is a different thing.
How do you know this? You ask kids what they are into and they say some anime or manga.

I both feel that not many people here interact with kids and that depends on where one lives. I can still see more... domestic product focused areas still having comics be more popular among kids.
Make love, not war- too many people have forgotten this
also, smh all this talk about non-big two comics and no mention of Scott Pilgrim?

But still, issue is that your average kid probably doesn't even know other comics exist
FC: 3840-6927-7945, have OR/Y/SM4SH/PSMD/S/US I'm a youtuber, here is my link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRj1lj8EWzRtw3jp3HUXCxQ? .I play games
Manga is ridiculously cheap to print and gets sold in target and Walmart.

If you wanna buy a comic you have to order it online or find some hole in the wall that still sells them and nothing else within 20 miles of you.
The succotash is suffering.
Manga just looks better to me.


some are quite simple

"Well, it's not a bad game. It's made by Capcom, so how could it?" ~ AVGN
Also manga is better at capturing motion of an action scene than the still art of an American comic.


"Well, it's not a bad game. It's made by Capcom, so how could it?" ~ AVGN
Bass_X0 posted...
Also manga is better at capturing motion of an action scene than the still art of an American comic.


Well, the techniques are different. The above doesn't really use many such techniques that I know of, but consider for example how many comic book characters wear capes, which naturally trail behind them and imply motion. Or you'll frequently see multiple characters reacting at different speeds so that the full reaction is captured in one panel.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
StarSpangled posted...
In any case, one of the reasons for this is that manga is more visibly varied. Yes, shonen is the main bigshot among mangas but there are still a lot of other genres that are big and even among shonen there are a variety of different premises and genres.
Got to give japan props on this one....they got me to read a manga about creating a manga in bakuman. Its got good art, goofy bad romances, but dammit it was entertaining. Well the one arc was a little weak, but at least it didn't last forever. I also really got into act-age, but that one got canned because the writer was a creep, but yeah....good manga about a girl acting the hell out of everyone.

When it comes to comics I like stuff like empowered. Just a bit of a wait for new ones to come out.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Comic books and manga have such a wide variety of artists at work. Let's not go around saying that one is objectively better than the other.
They're mostly marketed towards adults. Plus, the prices. Most of the guys who shop at my LCS are older and pretty well off; it's a privileged hobby these days. I don't even pull as many books as I used to, and I still drop at least $100 on weekly books. Then factor in the money i spend on Ebay, invaluable, garage sales, conventions etc... plus action figures and statues; yeah, it's a pricey hobby.
People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon.
'Cause I get stoned in the morning, and drunk in the afternoon.
Because modern comics suck. Spiderman has been suffering for what, 10 years? Plus nothing really matters when everyone who dies comes back or they find some stupid way of retconning everything (flashpoint).

A bud of mine has been showing me some older stuff that is legit fun but modern issues are just not interesting.
Bass_X0 posted...
Also manga is better at capturing motion of an action scene than the still art of an American comic.



Theres absolutely American books with this level of motion

Also that first page you showed doesn't even have any backgrounds or a story... I cant even tell what's happening on the page. Its well drawn but its not a great sequential art page.
The succotash is suffering.
xlr_big-coop posted...
Because modern comics suck. Spiderman has been suffering for what, 10 years?

Hes been suffering since before you were born lmao. He didn't suck then, he doesn't suck now. Some don't like his current book but he's got like 3 and one of them is one everyone is praising where he's got a wife and kids.

Plus nothing really matters when everyone who dies comes back or they find some stupid way of retconning everything (flashpoint).

Flashpoint was not even the first time dc rebooted the first big one was 40 years ago. And flashpoint happened 15 years ago lmao

Marvel has never rebooted their continuity. The characters in the f4 who are the exact same as the ones in the 50s.

People who die coming back again is nothing new and has been happening for as long as you've been alive. None of these characters were ever intended to have an end point and that hasn't changed. Just pick a run by one writer snd consider that the full story if you want.

A bud of mine has been showing me some older stuff that is legit fun but modern issues are just not interesting.

Based on your words here you havent even so much as cracked open a single modern book in ages and are just going off what people are telling you. Try one for yourself and I guarantee you'll be surprised.

Also, there are more comics than just from marvel or dc. But there's excellent comics coming out as we speak from those too.

But if you can't be convinced that all dc and marvel suck even tho you've not read any of it try the new transformers book ot the new gi joe books or anything. They have plenty of permanent deaths.
The succotash is suffering.
Toonstrack posted...
Theres absolutely American books with this level of motion

Also that first page you showed doesn't even have any backgrounds or a story... I cant even tell what's happening on the page. Its well drawn but its not a great sequential art page.
eeeeeh, one "issue" I have with american comics from the ones i've seen is that it feels like the impact is skipped and it goes straight to the aftermath. It's more of a preference thing, but still
FC: 3840-6927-7945, have OR/Y/SM4SH/PSMD/S/US I'm a youtuber, here is my link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRj1lj8EWzRtw3jp3HUXCxQ? .I play games
TheSavageDragon posted...
That's exactly the same thing. "Parent buys thing, kid gets to use it without forking over any money as they have none"

And yet none of that supports the claim that anime is free. Those anime are free in a select number of streaming services in a select number of countries. The other thousands of anime require a fee from someone. The claim "anime is free" is radically different from "oh those 2 or 3 anime or free" as you willfully ignore the vast majority.

We have come full circle. Yes, anime is free when you pirate it.
I dont see how you arent getting this. Parents are far more likely to subscribe to streaming services that a kid can take advantage of than they are to buy comics a kid can take advantage of. Like orders of magnitude more likely.

If parents subscribe to Netflix for Stranger Things or whatever, bam, kid gets a bunch of free anime. The only parents who are going to buy comics are comic nerds, and if there were anywhere near as many of them as there are regular TV watchers, the industry wouldnt be in the shape its in.
mehmeh1 posted...
eeeeeh, one "issue" I have with american comics from the ones i've seen is that it feels like the impact is skipped and it goes straight to the aftermath. It's more of a preference thing, but still

I see that but thats gonna depend on the artist as well. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/a/forum/7/7a5f00d0.jpg

This is the same artists draws some impacts
The succotash is suffering.
Toonstrack posted...
I see that but thats gonna depend on the artist as well. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/a/forum/7/7a5f00d0.jpg

This is the same artists draws some impacts
Ok yeah that one's much better
FC: 3840-6927-7945, have OR/Y/SM4SH/PSMD/S/US I'm a youtuber, here is my link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRj1lj8EWzRtw3jp3HUXCxQ? .I play games
Current Events » why aren't kids into modern comic books?
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