Online co-op recommendations on PS4/PS5?

Current Events

Mad-Dogg posted...
Dragon's crown pro is a good one.

Ive had this on PS3 as part of the free PS+ games, and its another one on my radar. I may need to recommend this one.

Mad-Dogg posted...
Saint's row. (Now hear me out......the glitches can be hilarious on co-op, and I believe all of the game-breaking bugs have been patched out at this time. Enjoy the cheesy story together).

The newest Saints Row? Ive heard bad things, but we both have it as part of the PS+ games.

Mad-Dogg posted...
Diablo 3 is always a good time.

Only played Diablo 2. I liked it, but god, that was like 20+ years ago. But Id be open to it.

Mad-Dogg posted...
Monster hunter world and monster hunter rise both gives a ton of good co-op hours.

Ive never played a Monster Hunter game, but Ive always been very curious. Well need to look into cheaper games from the series. I dont wanna recommend a high price game when I personally dont have any experience, but this might be an excuse to make the plunge.

Joelypoely posted...
Across the Obelisk

Looks interesting, but I dont think my friend will be in on a deck building roguelite. Ill definitely keep it on tabs for myself though.

Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran