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Your ideal looking partner but music is an alien concept to their brain.

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Current Events » Your ideal looking partner but music is an alien concept to their brain.
They're the most attractive/hottest person you've ever laid eyes on but their brain is broken in such a way they do not understand music at all and it's all headache inducing noise.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
I would never listen to music again for a person I find attractive to like me. And I listen to music non-stop all day long currently.
I cannot even think of a way this would ever
Sure, I don't really care about appearances when it comes to people that aren't diametrically opposed to me
updated 5/22/2023
yes easily what the literal fuck though I would forever spend a mild amount of time trying to find music they can enjoy

you realize some people date people who've lost whole senses right (i.e. blind)
Anybody that finds music to be a headache inducing noise has a headache inducing noise voice
See profile pic
I'd do it
No lollygaggin'.
Post #8 was unavailable or deleted.
Yeah. Im a metalhead so its basically a certainty Im going to hate whatever music anyone I date listens to anyway.
reminder to seemingly all of y'all that there's music in like literally every form of media which would be harsh and uncomfortable within this scenario.
five, five, five, jack -five nobs

Metroids Suck
Waxitron_Gazer posted...
reminder to seemingly all of y'all that there's music in like literally every form of media which would be harsh and uncomfortable within this scenario.
Half or more of my enjoyment of many pieces of media comes from a good utilization of music.

Like Star Wars is so emotionally effective for me because the music carries the series hard af.

DOOM games are as fun and replayable as much because of the gameplay as the music sets the stage immaculately in many cases.

Not being able to share that experience with someone would be like trying to have a full conversation with someone that speaks a sister language but not your language. It'd be stilted, awkward and neither party is going to get as much out of it
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Yeah, music isn't that big a part of my life, tbh. I mean I like it, but everyone else seems to like it a lot more than I do.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
PraetorXyn posted...
Yeah. Im a metalhead so its basically a certainty Im going to hate whatever music anyone I date listens to anyway.

Since only from below can one better see the heights.
Current Events » Your ideal looking partner but music is an alien concept to their brain.