Here are some ways to avoid supporting Fandom, the company that owns GameFAQs

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Current Events » Here are some ways to avoid supporting Fandom, the company that owns GameFAQs
Post #151 was unavailable or deleted.
Nah I'll just keep doin what I've been doin
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Post #153 was unavailable or deleted.
Stero posts a lot of delusional horseshit but that's definitely the worst one so far.
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.

I'm surprised he didn't add that you yourself have to type up a personalized email for each and every one of those.
Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.
The rationale of everyone deserves a 2nd chance is also pretty fucking hilarious when you consider how many of those banned users had many, many chances/alts.

Maybe in the what, hundreds if not thousands ? If were talking SMAL? lol
Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.

Remember, though, he's not pals with the Tails crew despite enabling them, constantly spouting their "waaaahhh gamefaqs" rhetoric, and advocating for them to come back.
as stupid as some of these suggestions are I think people on the anti-fandom side are sort of overreacting too. like ok sure they didn't accept "constructive criticism" but that's because I suspect from their perspective, the things people are asking for are probably about the same level of nonsense as suggesting unbanning everyone.

like, fandom is mostly known for their wikis, and their main purpose is to make a ton of money off of attaching ads to volunteer created content about various media, which is like the perfect fit for gfaqs guides. It's maybe tangentially related to the gfaqs games boards. But things like CE are unrelated to their actual operating method and probably cost a lot more in headaches / moderation effort / reputation with advertisers than they are really worth.

it sort of sucks to say this as someone who's used this board for many years but tbh we should consider ourselves lucky that they didn't just remove every non-game board
posting in hilarious topic
Sent from my AI Chatbot
Murphiroth posted...
Remember, though, he's not pals with the Tails crew despite enabling them, constantly spouting their "waaaahhh gamefaqs" rhetoric, and advocating for them to come back.
LOL, right?
This signature is not political.
kirbymuncher posted...
like ok sure they didn't accept "constructive criticism" but that's because I suspect from their perspective, the things people are asking for are probably about the same level of nonsense as suggesting unbanning everyone.

I don't think that suggesting currently unwritten rules like "no politics outside CE" should be added to the user guidance in a clear manner is at the same level as "unban everyone", but you do you.
This signature is not political.
Post #163 was unavailable or deleted.
Lordgold666 posted...
Everyone bitching about fandom still should try these tips.

1.) Log out

2.) Stop posting
I was here first though.
Let's make biscuits!
AssultTank posted...
Assume a 40 hour work week

No. You would just keep doing whatever it is your currently doing. No added responsibility, or work load. The payment just ensures that you'd be motivated to keep the "company's bottom line" in mind while partaking your normal moderation duties. The only added responsibility, would be that you'd occasionally have to hop on a sych call.
AssultTank posted...
Also worth noting that there are plenty of former users who have been banned to comply with US Federal law...

Unbanning them would be LITERALLY ILLEGAL.

Care to elaborate?
Post #167 was unavailable or deleted.
Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.

I said you could keep a list of folks to keep banned if you have it. Which I'm sure you guys either do, or would be willing to make. But the accounts from the early 2000's and so on and so forth -- if you can't even remember what they've done to get banned, why not just welcome back the traffic?
AssultTank posted...
Not to mention, our mod staff is usually in the 80-100 person range and STILL often has a moderation queue backup...

There would also be actual paid community managers that sit in an office somewhere (or working from home) that would be in charge of that. The volunteer moderators (now getting some payment for their efforts) would just be there to assist.
16-BITTER posted...
Remember a couple weeks ago when you claimed you were going to stop with this weird obsession


Besides the occasional Wrestling or MMA post the only thing I do is talk about GameFaqs while on GameFaqs.

Its the only subject that interest me discussion of GameFaqs curious fall from grace, and its potential rise back to prosperity have pretty much made up the bulk of my community contributions since mid 2020 or so.

I dont even play videogames anymore. The last time I played anything regularly was MK11 from 2019, and into the first half of 2020. I binged the MK1 story mode for a day, and thats the very last time I even fired up a game console.
Post #171 was unavailable or deleted.
16-BITTER posted...
something to the extent of "for the sake of my family, and my livelihood I'm going to stop with the corporate shilling its not worth it."

Yea. Some user started harassing me pretty heavily offsite. So I cooled it down for a while.

But I enjoy talking about GameFaqs as a website, and the potential things it can do to succeed going forward, and the potential pitfalls it can face along the way. So here I am.
Post #173 was unavailable or deleted.
AlCalavicci posted...
posting in hilarious topic
16-BITTER posted...
You also keep clinging to the "GameFAQs is desperate for traffic" narrative despite plenty of evidence that the non-board parts of the site get plenty of traffic.

Different types of traffic. The Boards need help. The main goal of the boards is to increase the session times of your average lurker so the more traffic the better. There are different types of users, and its hard to engage one that isnt signed up, and therefore its difficult to monetize.

In the world of UA different types of users have different types of labels, and price tags. Your average casual lurker just clicking a guide off of a Google search is worth maybe two cents, where the more core user who signs up with a credible email address and engages/contributes to the platform would be worth closer to two dollars.
16-BITTER posted...
No amount of marketing savvy will ever bring people back to the boards, it's a dying format.

Both of those things contradict eachother. Boards are a dying format, which is why you need marketing savvy to update and modernize them for a wider audience.

Easiest way is to create a mobile app, where the boards topics and posts are mostly engaged with via a social media feed similar to Instagram or tiktok
I am on Fandoms side. I support their decision to modernize the site, and try to appeal to a more casual, younger, mainstream audience.

The only way to do that is to replace the forums with 1 minute videos with the option of upvoting and downvoting, since that is the only thing that the younger mainstream audience likes. They don't even like Twitter, Youtube, or Reddit. No fucking thank-you.

As pointed out to you numerous times, GenZ does not like message boards, and Gamefaqs is one of the most successful ones remaining (80-90% of message boards have already shut down) Nothing can be done to change this. The only successful message boards today are 4/8chan, despite their shitty format. That's it. And BTW, 4/8Chan a much more extensive board culture than Gamefaqs does. It's also an incredibly toxic place.
STEROLIZER posted...
Both of those things contradict eachother. Boards are a dying format, which is why you need marketing savvy to update and modernize them for a wider audience.

Easiest way is to create a mobile app, where the boards topics and posts are mostly engaged with via a social media feed similar to Instagram or tiktok

Pretty much everything I suggest revolves around the theme of completely tearing down GameFaqs as we know it, and just repurposing its content. I dont think GameFaqs can sustain itself as a website the web portion of GameFaqs would be completely redesigned, and mostly just support the mobile app. It would look nothing like it does now.

The redesign would probably not appeal to most of the people on CE. I imagine a portion of them (not a significant portion) would stop using GameFaqs altogether after the redesign.

Post #179 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #180 was unavailable or deleted.
16-BITTER posted...
There is no incentive to sign up

Well under my redesign wed be adding pre-registration options to all of the game pages. So youd get promo codes and stuff for pressing a button. Push notifications would notify you when a game a released, and clicking it will send the user back to the GameFaqs app to claim the code, and then download the game.

It also works for beta & alpha tests, and game companies are willing to pay as much as one dollar per click, and 7 dollar per install.

Those games pages that arent supported by the developers would just act as a notification for release. Thats would be its value. Also, its discovery tool for new games
16-BITTER posted...
Which isn't necessary, as the non-board parts of the site still get plenty of traffic, as explained repeatedly.

Its not great traffic. You want traffic that can be monetized.
Post #183 was unavailable or deleted.
Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.
That has to be the worst idea ever
Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
Post #185 was unavailable or deleted.
STEROLIZER posted...
Its the only subject that interest me discussion of GameFaqs curious fall from grace, and its potential rise back to prosperity have pretty much made up the bulk of my community contributions since mid 2020 or so.

I dont even play videogames anymore. The last time I played anything regularly was MK11 from 2019, and into the first half of 2020. I binged the MK1 story mode for a day, and thats the very last time I even fired up a game console.

"I don't even play videogames anymore" says man vehemently defending the company that would prefer to axe all non videogame discussion on this site.
He actually thinks his posts are contributions to the community lol
Dude was celebrating the potential closure of CE and the closure of the Politics board. Hes been on site suggestions suggesting more communities should be removed. He seems to care more about how much money Fandom can make than how it will affect the boards and hes trigger happy on the block functionality. There arent many people I outright dislike on here but his ingenious posting style really grinds my gears.
Come join us at the Sudoku + Other Pencil Puzzles Community Board.
Post #189 was unavailable or deleted.
JustMyOpinion posted...
No he doesn't. He gets off on shitposting.

Why not both? I think he genuinely believes the stupid shit he says but also loves the attention it gets him.
Like I said hes boasted about being responsible for getting 261 closed and CE going private. He doesnt want to see Gamefaqs thrive. He just wants all the users that have ever wronged him in his mind to suffer.
Come join us at the Sudoku + Other Pencil Puzzles Community Board.
STEROLIZER posted...
Yes . Please do.

If I were to make a topic on CE in December of 2022 with the title of Fuck GameFaqs and in the body of the topic I write a few paragraphs on how much I think the website sucks, and how bad for the site the current administration (SBAllen) iswould I be moderated?
I did literally this all the time for years and never once got moderated for it.
MC_BatCommander posted...
Why are you so hyper fixated on this.
It's because Stero is a crypto bro who thinks Fandom will hire him as CEO or something if he sucks up hard enough.
STEROLIZER posted...
If I were in charge Id actually compensate the moderators and make them contracted employees

Process for moderation reform:

1. Revert to old system, with multiple second opinions, and mandatory mod notes this system placed emphasis on rehabilitation and getting users back to engaging with the platform and generating new content as quickly as possible
2. Id unban every single account. There are banned accounts from 2002. Give everyone a second chance. Send out an email blast informing all registered accounts of the changes, and welcoming them back.
3. Ad a play nice rule a vague rule that basically eliminates meanness from the platform. All conversation must be friendly. Anything antagonistic, or unfriendly in anyway is removed.
4. I would pay the current moderators a salary. I would allocate 250k a year for this, which is the equivalent of one Marketing Executive salary. This would be allocated to 20 different moderators at approximately 1k a month.
5. Id then begin zoom interviews with every single current moderator, to determine which 20 get the position. Obviously being willing to dox oneself, sign a 1099, and willingness to attend weekly synch meetings will play a part in who gets the position.
6. The new SOP or call to action for the moderation team would be to foster positive engagement, without eliminating content. The more people posting the better. So lots of deletion w/ no karma loss, and detailed mod notes to guide users on how to improve their posting habits.
7. Moderators are now community managers, and no longer referred to as moderators their roles change from something similar to that of an authority figure, to something more akin to a mediator. They still uphold the ToS, but its secondary to their main job of ensuring that discussions stay friendly, and everyone gets along.
There's a very strong chance that this is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Well, skimmed, at least.
Error1355 posted...
I am laughing at the optics of unbanning users who have literally posted about how they want to kill minorities and saying 'welcome back'.
To be fair, crypto bros DO tend to idolize Elon Musk and his terrible ideas.
SHRlKE posted...
Dude was celebrating the potential closure of CE and the closure of the Politics board. Hes been on site suggestions suggesting more communities should be removed. He seems to care more about how much money Fandom can make than how it will affect the boards and hes trigger happy on the block functionality. There arent many people I outright dislike on here but his ingenious posting style really grinds my gears.

Don't forget, he outright hates neurodivergent people and was caught bullying their communities on reddit.
This signature is not political.
Nobody on CE gives a flying fuck what is in the best interest of Fandom's future profits, Stero. If we're not part of the future, then this place can burn for all anyone cares. We aren't invested in it as some strange empathy towards the profit margins of corporations. We just want somewhere to shitpost.

And Fandom doesn't give a fuck about you or your suggestions. They look down on you just like they do the rest of us and they'll boot you out some day without a second thought. Maybe the next time you're bigoted towards autistic people.
Unbanning everyone only for them to get rebanned within a day from the play nice rule
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!
I dont even know what to say that hasnt been said already, but certain posts in this topic are some of the most idiotic posts Ive ever read on this site.

Buried alive in the coffin of who I used to be
Valjackal is dead.
AssultTank posted...
Fucking hell. You think we keep a detailed list? There are probably over a hundred thousand banned accounts at this point, ranging from bans for posting child porn to planning mass shootings to underage users. It would take YEARS to sort through, and frankly the moderations for 99% of them are purged, the mods and admins who acted on them aren't even on GameFAQs anymore, and unbanning some of those would literally be illegal under COPPA, Child Pornography Laws, and a few other statutes I'm not even thinking about right now.

Dude, how could you forget illegal warez/cracks/pirated material/etc. under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act IIRC. IP infringement is the one violation which websites as publishers do not have immunity to under Section 230.

No he doesn't. He gets off on shitposting.

I don't think that's true. STERO has admitted that the subject of website monetization via redesign is an obsession for him (I can understand that from personal experience) In all likelihood he can't help but run scenarios in his head of how Fandom can "improve" Gamefaqs.
However, one of his biggest flaws is that he seems to ignore some of the factoids that people have repeatedly pointed out (e.g. the decline of message boards, as they are not popular with younger generations.)
That, and he appears to assume that he knows more about the ins and outs of monetizing websites than anyone else on these boards due to having a short occupational background in this area.
Current Events » Here are some ways to avoid supporting Fandom, the company that owns GameFAQs
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