This 19 y/o Utah Kid was DENIED an ORGAN Transplant because he smoked WEED!!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 19 y/o Utah Kid was DENIED an ORGAN Transplant because he smoked WEED!!!!!
Do you think it's fair to deny organ transplants to people who smoked weed?

19 y/o Riley Hancey from Utah, a Pneumonia patient was DENIED a life-saving transplant because he smoked MARIJUANA!!

He became sick over Thanksgiving and was put on life support and was admitted to the hospital...the doctors said he needed a double lung transplant to survive but denied him because they found THC in his system!!

His father, Mark was in the room when a doctor told his son he was going to DIE as Riley broke down in tears after he said "You will die. You better get your affairs in order. She was willing ot let him die over testing positive for marijuana. This is what shocked me"

Mark said Riley doesn't usually do drugs but had some weed after thanksgiving dinner when he met up with an old friend. He said "it's not like he's a smoker for 30 years and had deteriorating lungs because of that...

Marijuana stays in the body for a month after use but exists father for some infrequent users.

Officials at the University of Utah Hospital refused to talk about this case but says they follow international guidelines for transplants and makes decisions on case by case. They said they don't give organs with patients with active alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use or dependencies

Utah is one of the holdout states that hasn't legalized marijuana for either recreational or medical use

They family is trying to transfer him to 6 other hospitals before the University of Pennsylvania stepped up and agreed to perform the surgery as a pair of lungs became available on March 31st

Mark said his son was healthy after the 8 hour surgery and it made all the difference as he's still fighting and doing well. He will spend the next year in Pennylsvania as the parents will take turns traveling back and forth to be by his side.

A YouCaring page has been set up since insurance won't cover the costs and they have raised more than 23,000.

Do you think it's fair to deny organ transplants to weed users?

Riley and his Dad -
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Board 8 » This 19 y/o Utah Kid was DENIED an ORGAN Transplant because he smoked WEED!!!!!