Are you depressed or use self-deprecating humor?

Board 8

Board 8 » Are you depressed or use self-deprecating humor?
Are you depressed or use self-deprecating humor?

I've always had bad luck with pets. When I was 4 y/o I had a pet goldfish but no aquarium to keep him in, but my cousin did. So we put it in his and then it died but not because it's a cheap goldfish but because we didn't know his fish was a carnivore and so his fish ate mine. Also when I was 7 y/o my pet bunny died suddenly and I spent the whole day crying after school.
I like big polls, I cannot lie.
My humor only lands when it's self deprecating

It's a necessity
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
I am not depressed and use self-deprecating humor.
I am not depressed and use self-deprecating humor.

I am neither depressed or use self-deprecating humor.
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
I am a 28 y/o male and no I'm not depressed and use only a little self-deprecating humor.
NFUN posted...
I am not depressed and use self-deprecating humor.
I am not depressed and use self-deprecating humor.

I am neither depressed or use self-deprecating humor.

Then I guess you're foolmo.
I may or may not be Foolmo. I also might be a mayor, or at the very least a mayo with an 'R' drawn in.
There never was a post. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
I would really like it if this poll could get 100 replies
Do you want me to <Erase> you?
Not depressed, idgaf. Call me what you want and I'll call myself something worse.
Remember, we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion
User of the Year 2016, UotY16 Fantasy Champion
I enjoy self-deprecation. I just wish I was any good at it.
Damn I picked the first option before realizing there was a more specific one
2 + 2 = 4
LeonhartFour posted...
I enjoy self-deprecation. I just wish I was any good at it.
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
Now owned by DpOblivion .
Board 8 » Are you depressed or use self-deprecating humor?