If there were no threat of arrest, would you go places nude when you pleased to?

Board 8

Board 8 » If there were no threat of arrest, would you go places nude when you pleased to?
If there were no threat of arrest, would you go places nude when you pleased to?

For what is an ear but a glimpse at our better selves?
I don't even want to be nude at places that aren't outside.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
No and I wouldn't really want to go to those places either.
If it was practiced everywhere that would be awful
Yes its too fuckin hot outside
No, especially if other people were able to operate under similar conditions. Not because of any fear about the human body, but sanitation. Sitting anywhere would become a questionable proposition at best, and I like sitting.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
i'd walk around with a backpack only and that will have my own seat cushion
The Official Espurr Cult Leader of the Pokemon X/Y boards.
3DS FC: 1547-6278-8186
Only in locations where I'm only around guys I'm comfortable with, so probably nowhere it's currently illegal to be nude in.
Everyone's best is different.
You can't always be the best, but you can always do your best.
No I don't like random things brushing against my naked self.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
Fortune tellers make a killing nowadays.
Maybe in a few hundred years when everyone alive presumably looks like a transhumanist demigod-cyborg.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
If it pleased me, obviously I would do it, otherwise it wouldn't please me to do so.
There's always hope for better things in life. But you can't let anything, friend, lover,God himself,be your hope. You have to be your own hope
I'd just wear creative underwear with a hole cut out (Gonzo, elephant, etc.)
Ulti was right
no, I like clothes
MZero , to the extreme
"2017 Guru champ BKSheikah is racist against cute Pokemon." - Luster
I've been looking for various things on Meetup.com and saw a few nudist meets that I could theoretically go to.

I think I'll stick with going to the movies, comic book stores, and other places where clothes are required.
You may not get arrested but that doesn't mean you won't still get seriously harassed about it by regular people. Change it so that it's free from the threat of arrest OR harassment and then yeah maybe.
BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah.
http://i.imgur.com/gw03gl7.png - Number of people that D'awwed: 101
I do not enjoy being nude, so no.
hell yeah

i try and show off my naked body as much as possible already
Board 8 » If there were no threat of arrest, would you go places nude when you pleased to?