Should parents be allowed to get piercings for young children?

Board 8

Board 8 » Should parents be allowed to get piercings for young children?
When I say young, I mean < 3 years, when the child clearly can't consent

Someone just came in to my work with a kid that couldn't have been more than 6 months old, and she already had both ears pierced

Honestly I'm not sure how that's even legal
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
I think I'd need to see how a baby responds getting their ears pierced but my gut says no.

Circumcision is way worse and that's legal.
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
there are a lot of things parents do that they really shouldn't but are allowed to
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
My parents didn't get my ears pierced until I was old enough to ask for it (13). I think it's gross to pierce a baby
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I mean you can permanently cut off part of your child's penis shortly after birth so why the hell not pierce some ears
Is there any irreversible about piercing though?

Not really a big deal
WazzupGenius00 posted...
I mean you can permanently cut off part of your child's penis shortly after birth so why the hell not pierce some ears
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
My nieces got their ears pierced at ages 2 and 4. I felt they were told young, but they really like the earrings so I guess it's fine.
My instinct is to say no because you can get clip on's that look the same but dont actually cause any pain.
User ID: 4002777
I remember my circumcision. It wasn't that bad
Fortune tellers make a killing nowadays.
what weird rock did you grow up under that you've never seen a baby with pierced ears

pretty much every latino family in the world does that
BKSheikah correctly guessed which years are more popular than others on this video game website. Congratulations!
Nope. I personally would not do anything to my child's body that they couldn't consent to, that wasn't in their best interest. Piercing their ears is purely decorative, so no.
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
Eh I got mine pierced when I was a babe and I'm no worse for it. Would I do the same to my kids? No, but I don't think it should be illegal. It's over quick, just like a booster shot, and while one has medical benefits and the other is purely decorative a very young child is going to have about the same recollection of either experience.

Basically I don't care.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own.
Ears? sure whatever

nothing weird tho like a a clit pierce or a butt pierce
I wouldn't pierce the kid until she was old enough to ask for it, but I guess ear piercings aren't that big of a deal. like why does the kid need pierced ears so young?
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
ProfitProphet posted...
I remember my circumcision. It wasn't that bad

You do? Were you given no anesthetic? I'm having a hard time imagining what that's like lol
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
Would never get my hypothetical baby's ears pierced.

Even if I thought earrings on a baby were a good idea, I would never inflict pain on my child, just so they 'look good'
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Board 8 » Should parents be allowed to get piercings for young children?