This 23 y/o Girl was OFFENDED when Hollywood said she didn't look LATINA!! Hot?.

Board 8

Board 8 » This 23 y/o Girl was OFFENDED when Hollywood said she didn't look LATINA!! Hot?.
Is Camila Hot?

23 y/ Camila Mendes has detailed her offensive casting she got from directors made about her ETHNICITY because they said she didn't look LATINA ENOUGH!!

Her parents are Brazilian and opened up about her break into Hollywood as she's the star of Veronica in the "Riverdale" tv series shot in Vancouver.

She said "I'm pretty new to Hollywood, but i'm already starting to see the issues in how some projects are cast. I often hear things like, you don't look latina enough, so how are you going ot tell me that i don't look Latina? For me, being an American Latina, means identifing with and being influenced both my American upbringing and my Latin heritage, and i have os much appreiciation for how those 2 cultures have created who i am. I'm a full blooded Brazilian, with an entire extended family of Brazilians, but iw was born and raised in the US. When i go to Brazil, i feel like an American and in the US, i always notice the traits that make me Brazlian".

She nutures her brazilian hertiage by speaking portuguese to her parents

She loves her part on Riverdale as it strays from stereotypes of latin families as it's a departure from underprivileged, sleazy latino drug dealers that are seen in entertainment...

Camila said that they wanted her character to be ethnic but not a stereotype, just an American Latina.

Is Camila Hot? let's see what people think

Camila -

Camila and her Dad as a kid -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
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When I was watching Riverdale with my girlfriend she was wondering why they considered her a "person of colour" when she joined the Pussycats and I told her that she was definitely latina without ever bothering to actually look at her name or check what race her parents were.

I guess she gets that a lot, but it seems pretty obvious to me.
This is what casting calls are like, dear. You're never thin enough, symmetrical enough, ethnic enough, you don't have "it", don't call us - we'll call you, etc. In the strange case of getting the part, sometimes people won't even tell you. Sometimes a costume gofer shows up and wordlessly starts measuring your inseam and as you yelp, "Whoa! Hey!" the dude tells you "Oh, I gotta get your measurements. By the way, you got the part."
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
Board 8 » This 23 y/o Girl was OFFENDED when Hollywood said she didn't look LATINA!! Hot?.