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Have you ever used the n-word?

Board 8

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Board 8 » Have you ever used the n-word?
Trying to gain understanding of where we fall

I think I covered every demographic here
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
I do, but I know I shouldn't. I mostly just do it every now and then when playing games alone, but nobody else hearing it doesn't make it fine to say. I basically use a ton of words for the same thing and have been trying to stop.
Yes because I like to be offensive

You can keep me.
I use it, but only when discussing whether or not it's appropriate to use it
SantaRPidgey posted...
I use it, but only when discussing whether or not it's appropriate to use it

This sounds somewhat convoluted, but I think option 9 is where you fit best.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
Fortune tellers make a killing nowadays.

wtf is wrong with you people
Probably at some point
2 + 2 = 4
Where's the option about working in Underground Railroad simulations for educational purposes?
Posted using GameFlux
HaRRicH posted...
Where's the option about working in Underground Railroad simulations for educational purposes?

I think that's 5
Boring and mundane signature informing you I'm on a Droid
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
Where's the option for saying it to be seen as racist in order to get out of jury duty?
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
Post #14 was unavailable or deleted.
Yes. I finish verses of country songs with it while I'm driving down the road, and I say when I hit a home run in MLB: The Show from contact until the ball lands. I don't say it like you people say it, though. It's sort of a high pitched kind of thing, like if your grandmother is trying to hit a rat with a flyswatter, misses, and knocks something off the cabinet. It's very dramatic, and I take pride in it.
"I come through this life a stumbler, friend. I expect to die that way. " - Townes Van Zandt
Yes, but only because my band performs hardcore covers of rap songs.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Not changing this sig until CM Punk returns to the WWE
Voted the friend option, but even then I don't call him that or anything. Usually it's for means of parody? We'll do joke reporter sessions, where he is 'reporting' on various race issues and I act like a racist southern guy.

So pretty much I never use it normally. But have used it on rare occasions for non PC humor, because it's around people I know that don't really care about being PC.
My Quest to beat the Final Fantasies: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XII XIII XV
ExThaNemesis posted...
Yes, but only because my band performs hardcore covers of rap songs.

Where can I see this?
Fortune tellers make a killing nowadays.
you missed the usage of it in books, plays, and media, though i guess that's an extension of the Tarantino clause. there's also quoting comedians. and anybody who's ever memorized at least part of Carlin's "They're Only Words."

"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
I used it once in middle school
i was quickly put in my place
The Official Espurr Cult Leader of the Pokemon X/Y boards.
3DS FC: 1547-6278-8186

It's a pretty dumb word.
I use it to hurt people's feelings.
Spare me your obsolete empathy
The voice of sympathy means nothing to me
tazzyboyishere posted...
Yes, but I have a black friend who lets me call him that and he's cool with it so I'm not a racist
Phantom Dust.
I don't really like using the word at all, but I'm pretty sure I've had to have used it once in my life.

I'm black though.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
Are we talking about naggers????

People who annoy you????
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
Only preceded by snow, after I heard it used as a derogatory term for Canadians (I am Canadian). Not on its own, or preceded by sand or whatever.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
ExThaNemesis posted...
Yes, but only because my band performs hardcore covers of rap songs.

You're the drummer though
2 + 2 = 4
I once did it when I was really little and saw it in a bathroom stall and didn't know what it meant

Never again though
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
Just around friends who aren't afraid of pc stuff and have a sense of humor.
Belles, belles, belles!
My friend Mark in middle school accidentally pronounced the country "Niger" that way in geography class. I had to save the poor guy from getting written up because he seriously had no idea.
E come vivo? Vivo!
"Anyone who joins after Cid is automatically not Cid and can't help you get to Cid, is the real problem." --Anagram
TomNook posted...
Just around friends who aren't afraid of pc stuff and have a sense of humor.

TomNook posted...
Just around friends who aren't afraid of pc stuff and have a sense of humor.

I love when white people are so comfortable around me they let out the n word. They still slightly reduce their volume when they say it though, so funny.
2 + 2 = 4
Is it also offensive to make Holocaust jokes? My friends and I made lots of those in high school... Not sure if that's as bad as using the n-word or not.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Around close friends who I know dont care about throwing it around
ISFJ Big on Visual Novels, Anime, Video games.
FG mains:
Looks like a whole lot of liars on B8. Not surprising. Same board that has average I.Qs higher than Stephen Hawking and bigger penises than......well......
Best gif you will ever see -
The no options should really be

"No, I've never met a black person" or
"No, I'm a liar"
"Seph's kind of right."~ Jakyl25
Wow so many white people do actually justify their racism by declaring that you're a liar if you're not at least equally as racist as them?
2 + 2 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
Nelson_Mandela posted...
The no options should really be

"No, I've never met a black person" or
"No, I'm a liar"
TimJab - Your 2017 User of the Year!
wait are we supposed to be saying n***** when we see black people now
something something hung something horse something
CelesMyUserName posted...
wait are we supposed to be saying n***** when we see black people now

...You don't?
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
CelesMyUserName posted...
wait are we supposed to be saying n***** when we see black people now

It's more like a muttering under breath than saying but yeah
2 + 2 = 4
never out loud
Are we really supposed to believe that a third of you NEVER said it in your life? Have you never bet on a football game?
"Seph's kind of right."~ Jakyl25
I wish Best RPG IV got this many votes
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
Nelson_Mandela posted...
Are we really supposed to believe that a third of you NEVER said it in your life? Have you never bet on a football game?

never bet on anything before!
Have most of you never been to public schools or met black people irl...? I'm sure most high school kids use the word on a daily basis.
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
What does betting on a football game have to do anything?

How many simple situations do white people need to infuse the n word into?
2 + 2 = 4
my highschool was like 98% white so I never heard it

I have 1 I would count as a friend as I text him every day he also never uses the word with me nor I with him. 2 others I know but don't really talk to that much.
I'm guessing a lot of SJWs here would commit suicide if they accidentally found themselves singing along to an uncensored Drake song
"Seph's kind of right."~ Jakyl25
Board 8 » Have you ever used the n-word?
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