Rate the Character Day 27: Kevin Owens (WWE)

Board 8

Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 27: Kevin Owens (WWE)
Which character should be rated tomorrow?

Welcome to the most must-see recurring daily poll series on Board 8. I'm your host scarletspeed7 and this is Rate the Character. I choose a category, you pick a character. I post the character you rate them. These are characters, you are raters, and this is Rate the Character.

Yesterday, Bugs Bunny took a spot in fourth-to-last with a 5.969 average.

All ratings are on scale of 1-10. You may rate any previous characters you have yet to rate at any point; please post them in the thread. No more than ten retro-ratings per day. View your ratings here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P47gZ8N7QcS-ShXYjvteOnd_aCJbv3AcJdipiUChhAg/edit?usp=sharing

Today's character is ithe star of the Kevin Owens show, Kevin Owens.


Current Top Ten:
1) Han Solo (Star Wars) - 8.337
2) Scarecrow (DC Comics) - 8.293
3) Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) - 8.113
4) Bowser (Super Mario ) - 8.075
5) Severus Snape (Harry Potter) - 7.947
6) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) - 7.944
7) Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics) - 7.893
8) James T. Kirk (Star Trek) - 7.891
9) Darth Vader (Star Wars) - 7.817
10) Deathstroke (DC Comics) - 7.772

Current Bottom Ten:
17) Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) - 6.644
18) Sabrina (Pokemon) - 6.468
19) Poseidon (Greek Mythology) - 6.357
20) Link (Legend of Zelda) - 6.167
21) Donkey Kong (Super Mario) - 6.128
22) Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) - 6.036
23) Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) - 5.969
24) Randy Marsh (South Park) - 5.814
25) John Cena (WWE) - 5
26) Akinator (Akinator) - 2.988

Hi MI.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
Owens: 9/10

Randy Marsh: 9/10
Tyrion: 9/10
Will Smith: 7/10
Cena: 4/10
Akinator: 1/10
Han Solo: 10/10
Snape: 8.5/10
Formerly known as Raven 2, currently losing to BKSheikah
8 out of 10
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
boring placeholder signature
I don't know who this is.

Hi scarlet
I don't watch wrastling. Neeeeeeeeext.
New season, new loli gif.

Easily the best heel in WWE today.
Currently playing: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (PSVita)
"I'm not going to hell, Shane. I bumping this topic to heaven."
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
I am also rolling Steen into this ranking.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

Still needs to develop a mainstay WWE feud to elevate him. Wish Jericho launched him to a greater point, but Festival of Friendship and Owens/Vince were two of the best segments this year, and now that he's finally out of a holding pattern with AJ and in with Shane, maybe we can finally see him expand.

Otherwise just excellence in everything he touched other than the AJ feud.
Bump for that match tho
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
Deathstroke 7 out of 10
Dracula 8 out of 10
Bowser 4 out of 10
Bugs Bunny 1 out of 10
PSN ID: Domine1001
10 out of 10.

Like seriously he's perfect.

anyone not voting a ten here can do one
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Not changing this sig until CM Punk returns to the WWE
Leon Kennedy - 7.5/10

Pretty solid cheesy action hero. Not really much going for him beyond that though.

Dracula - 8/10

Just an iconic great character. Stylish, lots of cool abilities, lore. Quite a bit of bonus points for Castlevania, though were it just Castlevania he'd be a bit lower I think. Some respect points here.

Bowser - 8/10

Really great execution of a silly bad guy who has for the most part been pretty consistently with this image throughout his life. Only thing holding him back is most Mario games are not like the Mario & Luigi type games and just don't have the presentation to maximize him.

Randy Marsh - 1.5/10

Thoroughly obnoxious and stupid-- kinda feels more at home in Family Guy than in South Park. He's a big part of the reason I don't watch South Park anymore.

Han Solo - 8.5/10

Probably the pinnacle of this type of character. I can't really say anything bad about him-- were I attempting to objectively rate he'd probably be well above a 9, but as it stands it's not really the kinda character that appeals to me terribly much. I tend to like my cool customers to be a bit more on the cheesy side like Leon Kennedy. That I like him so much in spite of that speaks to how well done he is. Honestly I might be slightly dinging him for TFA as well.

Bugs Bunny - 1/10

One of the worst characters ever. Just super obnoxious, never loses. I was always rooting for Daffy, Elmer, Sam, or whoever else.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Kevin Owens gets...

7/10 I think

Overall there's a lot going for him. He's mega douchey, has a rare (these days) backstory frienemy in Sami Zayn, and manages to be funny but with enough of an edge to come off as intimidating when he needs to. Thing is I just don't feel like his presentation is nearly consistent enough. It's just hard to take him seriously as a threat at times because he just doesn't have that top tier consistency or credibility for srs Kevin Owens to entirely work as the competition steps up-- which wouldn't be much of a problem were he a midcarder but it becomes a problem when he's booked at that level. And to nitpick just a bit this isn't all on the writing either. I do kinda feel like he needs to learn when to turn his taunt button off. Again I will stress that's just nitpicking.

In any case, at his best he'd be higher, but WWE just waffles too much on what they want to do with him. Hold this in a year or two maybe I'd rate him a bit higher.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Owens 8/10

Solo 8/10

Bugs 6/10

I think that brings me up to date I can't check google docs here google is banned.
User ID: 4002777

8.5/10 if Steen character included.
Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.

That Universal Title reign was pretty bleh
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.

Hasn't been in WWE for very long. (2015 debut no? Yes I know he was in ROH but lol ROH)

Acts like a total prick on Twitter (his news feed is serious negativity)

His BFF storyline with Jericho didn't go anywhere.

Not much character other than being an indie darling and has a daughter to look after.

Kevin Owens has 574 wins and 625 losses (46.9%) winning percentage.

Why would anyone hang out with someone with an under 50% track record. Pffft.

Jericho had The List...Owens was just kinda there.
Did Chris Jericho go over to Kevin Owen's house and burn all of his possessions? No.

Did Chris Jericho kidnap Kevin Owen's daughter? Nope.

We can but hey all day? But my 2 out of 10 rating for Kevin Owens is final. :)
Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 27: Kevin Owens (WWE)