Rate the Character Day 28: Midna (Legend of Zelda)

Board 8

Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 28: Midna (Legend of Zelda)
Which character should be rated tomorrow?

Welcome to the most must-see recurring daily poll series on Board 8. I'm your host scarletspeed7 and this is Rate the Character. I choose a category, you pick a character. I post the character you rate them. These are characters, you are raters, and this is Rate the Character.

Yesterday, Kevin Owens secured tenth place with a 7.708 average, edging him past Deathstroke by just 1/10000th of a point.

All ratings are on scale of 1-10. You may rate any previous characters you have yet to rate at any point; please post them in the thread. No more than ten retro-ratings per day. View your ratings here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P47gZ8N7QcS-ShXYjvteOnd_aCJbv3AcJdipiUChhAg/edit?usp=sharing

Today's character is Midna, an often fondly-regarded companion character in a Zelda title.


Current Top Ten:
1) Han Solo (Star Wars) - 8.394
2) Scarecrow (DC Comics) - 8.293
3) Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) - 8.141
4) Severus Snape (Harry Potter) - 7.962
5) Bowser (Super Mario) - 7.937
6) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) - 7.921
7) Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics) - 7.893
8) James T. Kirk (Star Trek) - 7.891
9) Darth Vader (Star Wars) - 7.817
10) Kevin Owens (WWE) - 7.708

Current Bottom Ten:
18) Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) - 6.663
19) Sabrina (Pokemon) - 6.468
20) Poseidon (Greek Mythology) - 6.357
21) Link (Legend of Zelda) - 6.167
22) Donkey Kong (Super Mario) - 6.128
23) Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) - 6.036
24) Randy Marsh (South Park) - 5.792
25) Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) - 5.447
26) John Cena (WWE) - 4.957
27) Akinator (Akinator) - 2.915

Hi MI.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer

For a Zelda character, she's pretty decent.

For a Zelda character, I don't really care for her.
Hi scarlet!

(in a separate post intentionally today)
8 - Best and only Zelda character I've seen so far.

For a Zelda character, I wanted her to die more than Navi.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
all going according to the plan of BKSheikah this time...
9.5 out of 10

Enjoyed her plotline, enjoy her in general.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan

A character where almost all of her dialogue is read entirely all through text -- such a character. >_>

And just like EVERY Zelda character? No full featured voice acting.

She often repeats herself with the same annoying voice and dribble with what little voice and mp3 dialogue she's given.

Doesn't ever actually fight for your battles. She's not exactly a Transformer if Link can command himself to turn into Wolf Link at will and Midna doesn't do that.

Link and Midna should of transformed together in the final battle.

Does Midna fire arrows like Link? No. Does Midna wear the metal boots Link does in the game? No. Link does that all on his own.

Why doesn't Midna carry some of the foot wear and equipment for Link?

Can you make Midna play fetch and hunt down some hearts, arrows, healing items or ride on top of her like Epona? No no no. The last one pertains to Epona. But you catch my drift I know.

There was one dungeon where you go upside down constantly and why doesn't she carry me for a minute or momentarily freeze time to ease the pain?

Can Midna drop a surprise cherry bomb attack on an opponent? Oh my god no. :(

Super Mario Bros. includes the bubble mechanic where the game becomes too hard that the computer player can finish the game for you. Casual players hate the Zelda games like this for a reason. Good luck getting a girlfriend that likes the LOZ games.

I can name numerous Nintendo villains and one-and-done characters like Tippi and Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario that had more character than Midna AND they fit in the same mold as Midna where all of the dialgoue is told through text than actual voice acting.

Those Pixels in Super Paper Mario are more useful than Midna. Some of those could simply carry you across platforms. Midna can't do that.

I don't want to carry on this message any longer.

1/10 seriously and that's final.
PrestonStarry2 posted...
A character where almost all of her dialogue is read entirely all through text -- such a character. >_>

you must really hate books huh
When Midna speaks it's like mamadodoblahblahblah.

It's like a grown woman having dialogue talking like a baby for all of the 40 hours the game lasts.
I remember the second-to-last dungeon in Twilight Princess had this psychedelic creepy aesthetic.

And wasn't that the dungeon where the blocks were all black and white and they had to assorted a certain path for you to complete the dungeon or whatever?

Why couldn't she recite a certain code or command on the Wii Remote or GameCube controller to give me a hint to complete the puzzle? Or carry the blocks to me that were super far away from me?

Midna CAN FLOAT IN MID AIR and yet she...
I don't like her. :(
boring placeholder signature

I really liked her storyline in Twilight Princess and she is definitely one of the better side kicks Link has in the series.
Currently playing: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (PSVita)
I don't really like her character, but she's definitely the 2nd best sidekick Link had. Very developed and enjoyable, just annoying to me for far too long.

New season, new loli gif.
Probably my favourite Zelda character

Agree pretty much with all Wicklebee said except that she is the second best sidekick.

And no, she is not the first either
All hail to he who could see the future, Guru 2017 BkSheikah
http://letterboxd.com/jesusoni ; http://www.backloggery.com/linkhatesganon

I don't partake of the nintendo junk sucking
User ID: 4002777

These are some of the dumbest 1s.
FFDragon posted...

For a Zelda character, I wanted her to die more than Navi.
Navi isn't that bad. So far Zelda is my least favorite LoZ character after like 5 games

Best Zelda character to only appear in one episode.
linkhatesganon posted...
Agree pretty much with all Wicklebee said except that she is the second best sidekick.

And no, she is not the first either

... Oh right, I forgot one sidekick. Third for me. Curious who you place above, but I'll probably find out in time over the course of this series.
New season, new loli gif.
Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 28: Midna (Legend of Zelda)