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If you consider another user a friend on this site and they make a violation

Board 8

Board 8 » If you consider another user a friend on this site and they make a violation
that you see do you usually mark them?

"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us, now there's not"
If i see someone who is the worst user on the site i wouldn't mark them.

Marking is for dweebs
SantaRPidgey posted...
If i see someone who is the worst user on the site i wouldn't mark them.

Marking is for dweebs

santa is my friend but I marked this post
something something hung something horse something
I don't mark anyone for anything. Put em on ignore if you need to or move on.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
i ain't a fuckin' narc
They're doing their best to live very serious lives and they just happen to fall down sometimes. I think that's neat.
Only spoilers without warnings
This applies to friends and not friends alike (not like I have any friends lololol)
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
I basically only mark NFUN.
Posted using GameFlux
i mark people for censor bypass
Shaduln posted...
I basically only mark NFUN.

it isnt nice to pick on 12 y/o's!
I pretty much just mark MWC because it's fun to see him get banned.
For your BK_Sheikah00 .
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
I used to mark offensive stuff (racism, bigotry) but these days I don't usually even bother with that.
Give a good greeting. Try not to give up. Sleep well, eat well. If you're troubled, talk to someone! You're likely to succeed if you try.
I generally only mark if I think someone seriously crossed the line (like miles past the line)

And I generally don't pick people who would do that kinda stuff to be among my friends.

Like, minor violations? Pffft, nah. Not even the people I dislike most.

I would be lying if I said being my friend didn't alter my perception somehow, though.
Life is unfair by nature - People are unfair by choice.
Using this as an excuse for bad behavior is worse than juvenile.
Board 8ers don't mark other Board 8ers. I only mark those who invade our precious board during a contest.
Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. DpOblivion > Me
Zylothewolf posted...
Board 8ers don't mark other Board 8ers. I only mark those who invade our precious board during a contest.

*golf clap*
Life is unfair by nature - People are unfair by choice.
Using this as an excuse for bad behavior is worse than juvenile.
There's not much I'd mark somebody for in the first place, so if a friend did something that bad I'd probably still mark them? I'm having a hard time envisioning myself in the situation. >_>
Can you imagine a piece of the universe more fit for princes and kings?
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
Shaduln posted...
I basically only mark NFUN.
Remember, BK_Sheikah is eternal - all this pain is an illusion
UltimaterializerX posted...
I just block people. Never been a marker, never will be.

you just message a mod privately right
Remember, BK_Sheikah is eternal - all this pain is an illusion
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
I mark every time I see a violation
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
Nanis23 posted...
Only spoilers without warnings
This applies to friends and not friends alike (not like I have any friends lololol)


And occasionally I'll find a post that isn't a violation, but a mod might take the individual post out of context and think it's a violation. I'll mark those just for fun.
Ulti was right
Well I have no friends, but regardless I would never mark anyone for anything. I honestly forgot it was even an option.
You can keep me.
lmao @ marking anyone
2 + 2 = 4
i hardly mark anything, maybe 1 post a year. stuff like porn links, and even then only if they're deceptive about it.
Grats to BKSheikah , a guru ahead of his time.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Damn right son.

i've waited 12 years for this admission you son of a bitch
Remember, BK_Sheikah is eternal - all this pain is an illusion
what kind of robot ass question is this
I wouldn't be friends with someone who makes TOS violations, obviously. I don't need that in my life.
foolm0r0n posted...
lmao @ marking anyone

Last Visit Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:41 PM

It's ok, this person would've never saw any mentions.
No I guess? My friends don't really visit GameFAQs much anymore.
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
Board 8 » If you consider another user a friend on this site and they make a violation