Man who founded GAYDAR is DEAD after falling 23 FLOORS..Same way as his LOVER!!.

Board 8

Board 8 » Man who founded GAYDAR is DEAD after falling 23 FLOORS..Same way as his LOVER!!.
Have you heard of the Gaydar app before?

51 y/o Henry Badenhorst, the co-founder of the online gay dating site GAYDAR was found Dead after he plunged 23 FLOORS to his death from a balcony, 10 years after his boyfriend died the SAME WAY!!

The South African businessman crashed through a glass canopy and landed on a waiting LIMOUSINE after falling from an exclusive service apartment in Michelangelo Towers Hotel.

10 years ago, his business and life partner Gary Frisch died the same way but in a balcony of a building in London!!...

Police say this isn't suspicious and friends have said that Henry was suffering from depression but no suicide note was found and the motive behind the incident is unclear.

Khuthali Zondo, an eyewitness was walking by the luxury Towers when she saw the horrific image of his body smashing onto the back of a window of a car as the chauffeur was sititng inside.

Henry made millions off the the Gaydar app that was created in 1999. After Gary's death, he left his estate worth 6.5 million to him and Henry said it was the "worst day of my life" after the horrific accident

He grew up in a conservative household and sold his shares of his gay dating app 4 years ago. He and Gary made the app after a friend complained about being too busy to look for love. It now hs 6 million members in 140 countries and is expanding to Gaydar Girls, a female dating app for lesbians.

Have you ever heard of the app Gaydar before?

Henry - Deceased

Where he fell -

Gary - Deceased

Gaydar -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Board 8 » Man who founded GAYDAR is DEAD after falling 23 FLOORS..Same way as his LOVER!!.