Scarlet and Ed's really cool comics topic

Board 8

Hey there, random b8er

so @scarletspeed7 is back on the board and today is Wednesday and late enough that I actually read some of my comics today (full disclosure, I definitely mostly just read Oathbringer instead) but I thought it would be really cool to get one of these going again, perhaps with a bit more programming coming from me and scarlet talking comics - past present and future and topics relating to them .

On the topic of this week's comics I have nothing but the the real hotness right now is the Countdown to Doomsday thing. DCs first big event since rebirth, and really since DCYou started unless you count Divergence, which since it was just two months I really don't.

PLUS Wonder Woman has a non-shitty creative direction again, featuring Greek Gods, Baby Darkseid and a lot of pretending that the last 2-3 years of her book aside from the Darkseid war never happened basically, Superman is mired in a ton of not making any sense, Batman family is its most spread out its been since Snyder took over with each title really pretty much doing its own independent thing. Is this good? Bad?

And MORE probably including revisiting some classic stories ( I myself plan to revisit the Classic Legion Darkseid story, The Great Darkness Saga as part of this topic).
Board 8's Voice of Reason