California White Woman tells 2 ASIAN Kids to Stop Speaking UGLY KOREAN LANGUAGE.

Board 8

Board 8 » California White Woman tells 2 ASIAN Kids to Stop Speaking UGLY KOREAN LANGUAGE.
Are you offended by people speaking in another language in your country?

An Old Hag had to be ESCORTED out of Starbucks after she was offended by 2 asian customers speaking in their native language of KOREAN!!

It happened in Walnut Creek in California when she overheard a community college student speaking to a student and she says "i hate it. everybody here speaks English"

She was told by staff to leave and she says "if you cant sit and be quiet, that's fine. I don't want to hear your language. it's ugly"...

Sean Lee was tutoring a student named Annie when the woman began attacking them. He said "Out of nowhere, we didn't provoke her. We were just minding our own business. This lady just suddenly says, Don't you dare say that again"

Sean said he didn't realize the woman was talking to them since she was a stranger and Annie started pulling her phone out and filmed her. The woman then tried to hide her face as 2 starbuck baristas asked her to get the steppin..and she the police had to drag her o ut.

Sean said this was the first time interacting with someone like her as he was surprised by her reaction

Are you offended when you hear someone speak another language in your country?

Annie - Attacked by Racist Woman

The Woman and Sean are seen in these screengrabs -
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Board 8 » California White Woman tells 2 ASIAN Kids to Stop Speaking UGLY KOREAN LANGUAGE.