This 34 y/o Teacher was FIRED for marrying 16 y/o BOY..with his DAD'S BLESSING!.

Board 8

Board 8 » This 34 y/o Teacher was FIRED for marrying 16 y/o BOY..with his DAD'S BLESSING!.
Do you think people should only be allowed to get married if they are legally an adult (18+)?

34 y/o Dirty Birdy, Cassandra Renae White from Oklahoma was FIRED at her teaching job at Davis High School after she tried to file a MARRIAGE LICENSE with a 16 y/o STUDENT..whose Dad GAVE HIS BLESSING!!

The boy's father signed off on the marriage license and when people found out, they blew the whistle on her and she was immediately fired the following day!!...

The school has a policy that says "Any romantic or sexual affiliation between school personnel and students, including students who have reached the age of majority (18) during school hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation and suspension or termination of the employee. The District is currently cooperating with law enforcement in the investigation of these allegations".

The law says a person who is 16 years old may be married provided there is parental consent.

But, Oklahoma has a law that says rape charges can be filed in cases where a teacher has sex with a student in the same school system who is between 16 and 20..

The case is now being investigated by the Police Department as no charges have been filed yet

Do you think people should only be allowed to get married if they are 18+? let's see what people think

(i'm shocked, dailymail always gets people's pictures...they didn't this time)

Cassandra - Teacher Minx

School -
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Truly smilin'
Full Throttle posted...
(i'm shocked, dailymail always gets people's pictures...they didn't this time)

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Board 8 » This 34 y/o Teacher was FIRED for marrying 16 y/o BOY..with his DAD'S BLESSING!.