Quinton and Leonhart in Different Houses: Magic Fate/Ball Edition [JZLF]

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Board 8 » Quinton and Leonhart in Different Houses: Magic Fate/Ball Edition [JZLF]
I "Dere" You To Choose Wisely

I just wrapped up watching Fate/Zero , which is my first exposure to the franchise after some 6 years of suggestions from friends. I liked it. I give it a 7.5! I've begun Fate/Stay night Unlimited Blade Works or however the heck you type that. I like the cast more already. Rin is bae. I'm also watching Dragon Ball and The Crown . That's right, an 80s animated series with raunchy humor and a modern British Netflix series about Elizabeth II. Get on my level.

I've watched the first chapter of the first season (...) of Star Trek: Discovery and I eagerly await the second chapter which launches in January. My roommates are watching Game of Thrones and The Expanse with me. I've seen both, of course, but it's their first time for the latter and one of them hasn't seen Thrones before either. I'm reading The Wheel of Time: The Shadow Rising , The Witcher: Sword of Destiny and Star Wars: Leia .

Leon is tantalizingly close to finishing Yu Yu Hakusho , so be on the lookout for that. He's going to start the FF15 episodic DLCs, too, now that the initial batch is out in full. He's still playing Mario Odyssey too!



10. Gundam Wing OP1 "Just Communication"

09. Higurashi OP1 "Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni"

08. Outlaw Star OP "All Through The Night"

07. Gundam After War X OP2 "Resolution"

06. Attack on Titan OP1 "Shingeki no Kyojin"

05. Clannad OP2 "Toki Wo Kizamu Uta"

04. Steins;Gate OP "Hacking to the Gate"

03. Gundam 00 OP2 "Ash Like Snow"
https://vimeo.com/28352223 (Seriously, just watch the music video over on Vimeo; the YouTube quality of this track is never not terrible due to copyright issues)

02. Serial Experiments Lain OP "Duvet"

01. Eureka Seven OP2 "Shonen Heart"


10. Clannad ED1 "Dango Daikazoku"

09. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ED1 "Hare Hare Yukai"

08. Fullmetal Alchemist ED4 "Shunkan Sentimental"

07. Attack on Titan ED1 "Utsukushiki Zankoku na Sekai"

06. InuYasha ED3 "Dearest"

05. Gundam SEED ED1 "Anna ni Isshodattanoni"

04. Steins;Gate ED "Tokitsukasadoru Juuni no Meiyaku"
<div class="y
No mob psycho fail

But lain success
Loved it, seen it more than once

Cowboy Bebop
Full Metal Panic!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
Persona 4 The Animation
Sailor Moon
School Rumble
The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Really liked it, will watch again

Ace Attorney (when the dub comes out)
Angel Beats
Attack on Titan
Eureka Seven
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Usagi Drop

Liked it, but probably won't watch again

Azumanga Daioh
Great Teacher Onizuka
Love Hina
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Ouran High School Host Club
Sweetness & Lightning
Your Lie in April

Didn't like it, definitely won't watch again

Beyond the Boundary
Code Geass
Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Dropped it, never finished

Fullmetal Alchemist
Gurren Lagann

New and Improved Female Character Rankings 2.0:

Nagato > Yakumo > Kurisu > Chizuru > Yukiko > Aqua > Makoto > Mitsuru > Yui > Yachiyo > Shiori > Eru > Wagatsuma > Ritsu > Akane > Pepper > Amy > Namine > Yurippe > Mikasa > Eureka > Art3mis > Valentine > Zelda > Vera > Elizabeth > Cora > Kotori

Decided to remove Saber and Rin for now because my rule has been only to add one character per series instead of per iteration, so we'll reach a final verdict after I finish the other F/SN anime.
also heck yeah Shonen Heart is the best

we're in agreement there
Seriously though one punch man and mob psycho 100 are 12 episode high budget shonen shows you can't go wrong with. Not even Leon.
pjbasis posted...
Seriously though one punch man and mob psycho 100 are 12 episode high budget shonen shows you can't go wrong with. Not even Leon.

that sounds like a challenge
i'm here to not talk about anime captain
boring and mundane signature and holy crap i have too many accounts
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
DanteIsSlacking posted...
i'm here to not talk about anime captain

Welcome aboard.
SaveEstelle posted...
10. Gundam Wing OP1 "Just Communication"

SaveEstelle posted...
04. Steins;Gate OP "Hacking to the Gate"

SaveEstelle posted...
03. Gundam 00 OP2 "Ash Like Snow"

SaveEstelle posted...
01. Eureka Seven OP2 "Shonen Heart"

SaveEstelle posted...
04. Steins;Gate ED "Tokitsukasadoru Juuni no Meiyaku"

SaveEstelle posted...
02. Psycho-Pass ED1 "Monster Without A Name"

let me start by saying

you have much better tastes than Squall-san

bless you're mecha heart
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
I mean I'd probably include a lot of those OPs and EDs if I made a list

I guess I could try to compile a counterpart of my own
Heck yeah AoT OP1

Perfect music for slaying giants
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Apparently I hadn't watched DBZ Kai episode 98 because it's separated on MAL from 1-97 for some reason. Oh well, that's fixed now!
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
Oh hey, Nameless Monster and Toki wo Kizamu Uta are two of my favorite OP/EDs ever. Nice picks.

Did you ever post your thoughts on DIS, Jeff?
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Kid sucks

not as much as Harle though
Kid would be better without the dopey accent
Mac Arrowny posted...
Oh hey, Nameless Monster and Toki wo Kizamu Uta are two of my favorite OP/EDs ever. Nice picks.

Did you ever post your thoughts on DIS, Jeff?

Not yet! I will sometime soon though.
also Jeff Zero and I were just discussing this on Facebook

What's the word on those Persona 3 anime movies? It doesn't look like they're getting dubbed, does it? I was going to wait until they got dubbed to watch them, but if they're never getting dubbed and they're actually good, I might still watch them anyway.
a chrono cross character wouldn't be a chrono cross character without an accent
boring and mundane signature and holy crap i have too many accounts
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
Jeff when are you going to watch Ironblood Orphans and listen to this awesome song

waiting for erection by MAN WITH A MISSION, no spoilers for the anime btw official video

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DanteIsSlacking posted...
a chrono cross character wouldn't be a chrono cross character without an accent

I see you too are a fellow scholar of the illustrious "Serge is not a Chrono Cross character" theory
GranzonEx posted...
Jeff when are you going to watch Ironblood Orphans and listen to this awesome song

waiting for erection by MAN WITH A MISSION, no spoilers for the anime btw official video

I have seen Iron Blooded Orphans in full and Raise Your Flag narrowly missed my top 10 OPs
this is one of those situations where use of a Command Spell would be appropriate
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GranzonEx posted...
this is one of those situations where use of a Command Spell would be appropriate



My master... I sense... a flag being raised over communication...
GranzonEx posted...
this is one of those situations where use of a Command Spell would be appropriate

how to spot a filthy subber

it's Command Seal
I wanted to believe there was good in him and he merely typoed.
he is the anti-Leonhart as you aptly pointed out last topic

*flips the table like Kayneth in fit of rage*
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"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
So I watched the fourth through seventh episodes of Fate/stay the night Unlimited Bourbon Chicken Wok Bowl tonight and this is shaping up to rank higher than Fate/Zero for me if it maintains my interest in the characters. Rin and Shiro and Saber are all great, at least right now, and Archer isn't terribly far behind. I also love how Iri is popping up all creepily and calling Shiro "big brother" and stuff. This is absolutely proof that nine times out of ten I'm an in-universe chronological order kind of guy, because I love knowing what's probably up there.

Kiritsugu is dead, huh? Shucks. Shinji is a real dweeb which is as powerful a nod to prior anime as a red-haired mechanic being secretly powerful, yes, hello Amuro. I'm digging the plot a good bit and the music continues to be a serious step up from F/Z -- which boggles my mind considering F/Z had Kajiura and this show has... that guy who did, like, Devil May Cry or something. (Disclaimer: I'm not usually all that into metal stuff so that's why I say that kinda dismissively. But man, I like what he's doing here.)

As promised, the action is on-point and then some. This OP1 and ED1 are already making plays for my top 20 btw...

I dunno what else to say considering I'm buzzing through shows faster than I do when Leon and I take our time and really triple down on examining what we watch bit by bit with the board. So if y'all have questions on my character rankings, any predictions I might have this early in the game, my analysis of various angles, all that jazz, I guess let me know.
"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
Man, so many people liking Shirou

He's definitely better in UBW than in Fate, but still
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
I mean, I could end up turning on my opinion of him as the series progresses, but at least as of episode 7 I like him just fine.
"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
I hated him pretty quickly, so he might remain fine for you
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
ubw shirou is prime shirou, says a guy who hasn't watched a second of f/sn anime or any f/sn anything beyond the first game
boring and mundane signature and holy crap i have too many accounts
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
How many nights has Fate stayed at, anyway? Just how many of these games are there?
"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
3 nights

stay night is ufomism for sexy time

that's how I look at it
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Anyway, what are deredere and kamidere

Are you just making these up
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
is deredere a love of creating new dere terms
boring and mundane signature and holy crap i have too many accounts
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
Shiro is definitely the type of protagonist Jeff Zero (or should I say Jeff Shiro) tend to like.

Anyway, I watched a couple more episodes of the original Fate/stay night (perhaps I should say "Fate........stay night" since the narrator puts a noticeable pause there during episode previews). Still seems all right so far! The talk with Kirei at the church is a little more elaborate than in UBW, and the Saber/Berserker fight ends pretty differently. Also, Ilya reveals Berserker's identity right away here unlike in UBW, and she called Shiro "Mister" instead of "Big Brother."

A few other observations regarding Saber: Her sword is literally invisible instead of having that weird wavy effect it has in UBW. She also puts a lot of emphasis on the first syllable of Shiro's name, which might be deliberate and go along with what dowolf was saying yesterday. Also, she thinks hunger is the enemy and extravagance is the enemy.
I'm tempted to make my own top 10 OP's and ED's, but it would take way too much time to decide and I'm pretty sure you guys won't have seen most of the shows anyways.

#1 and #2 OP's are probably Spice and Wolf and Your Lie in April though. Not sure what immediately what else makes it in.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00 , this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
The only real disagreement I have with Jeff Zero's list is that I liked Higurashi's OP2 better than OP1. I dunno if I could really put together a list of 10 each all that well though.
I found the deres on a list of deres

After episode 8 of UBW I am seriously wondering if Archer is somehow Kuritsugu

in fact Jeff Zero didn't even get them all...!
Okay, at least half of those were definitely made up on the spot
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
come on man haven't you ever heard all the people rave about what a great hinedere Hikigaya is

or how Ilya is their favorite mayadere
where are the escape pods, i need to get out of here
boring and mundane signature and holy crap i have too many accounts
Now with more bold! Less italics due to bold.
Random question: Is the Estelle that needs saving a different Estelle? Because after playing Trails FC and SC, I'm highly dubious as to whether Estelle Bright needs any kind of saving.
Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like...love! ~Homer J. Simpson
Shadow Dino posted...
Random question: Is the Estelle that needs saving a different Estelle? Because after playing Trails FC and SC, I'm highly dubious as to whether Estelle Bright needs any kind of saving.

She is in no need of saving. And she is AMAZING. But I kept trying to "save" her in Save My contests on the board, especially SMFFFC, and it stuck.
DanteIsSlacking posted...
where are the escape pods, i need to get out of here

I was just about to bring in the cute girls, but if you really need to abandon ship, go right ahead.

Jeff Zero posted...
But I kept trying to "save" her in Save My contests on the board, especially SMFFFC, and it stuck.

it stuck to the point that he failed to get the actual EstelleBright account because he wanted SaveEstelle instead

Oh hey, that Psycho-Pass VN is one of the PS+ free games next month! I might get that, and I'm sure that might interest Jeff Zero as well.

I've never played Deus Ex before, but maybe I should give this one a shot to see if I like it.
Board 8 » Quinton and Leonhart in Different Houses: Magic Fate/Ball Edition [JZLF]
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