american and cheddar cheese

Board 8

Board 8 » american and cheddar cheese
cheese bby

yellow all the way
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre
white white
"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
american cheese is terrible
No one reads signatures.
not part of poll weisenheimer
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre
FBike1 posted...
american cheese is terrible

Yeah this

cheddar is good in all forms though
maybe if you pretentious FUCKS didnt hold american to the same standard as other cheeses you could appreciate it more. its a SITUATIONAL CHEESE that has a place in this world if you know how to use it
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre
its place in the world is in the dumpster
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
yellow yellow easily, but american is just inferior cheddar.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
I've never seen white american cheese in my life
pepsi for tv-game
white and yellow

also there's a difference between american cheese and kraft singles
2 + 2 = 4
yellow american is literally just white american with food dye
"Piece of cake!"
"We're good to go!"
that food dye is delicious though
American cheese wishes it was really cheese.
Friend Foundation
I'd never be jealous of a ten-year-old girl with a full mustache. -Moth366 (AIM on 10/19/05)
American cheese is great. But it really depends on who makes it
foolm0r0n posted...
white and yellow

also there's a difference between american cheese and kraft singles
Real American Cheese is excellent.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
american no and cheddar yes
Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
There are this many people for yellow american? Do you all eat at McDonald's or something? That's pretty much the only place I ever see yellow american. InB4 awful racist jokes about Asians
Board 8 » american and cheddar cheese