This 37 y/o Asian Man was FIRED for Tearing Down a TOM BRADY POSTER!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 37 y/o Asian Man was FIRED for Tearing Down a TOM BRADY POSTER!!!!
Would you fire him based on what he did?

37 y/o New York Giants Fan and WALL STREET WORKER, Solomon Chu was FIRED for allegedly tearing down a life size poster of New England Patriots QB Tom Brady from his office wall!!.

The New York wall street worker was given the boot and posted how it was NO JOKE when they gave him the pink slip for his act.

The poster of Tom was placed in the lobby of National Debt Relief where he was an underwriter by the Head of Human Resources and Rich Fat Cat, Joanne Murray who confronted him about tearing it down.

He was hauled into HR and showed the video as Murray, a Patriots fan asked "Do you think you were going to get away with this?"

Chu said he told her he thought it was a joke and offered to buy a new poster and emailed her writing "Again, i'm terribly sorry. I sincerely believed it was a prank and treated it as such. There was no intent to be malicious or underhanded..i've made an order to reeplace your property with expetdited delivery"

But he was fired after 4 months on the job as an Employment Lawyer, Robert Ottinger said "People get fired for dumb reasons like this all the time, but i've never heard of anybody getting fired over a Tom Brady poster, it's unprecedented. You don't have protected first amendment rights when it comes to disparaging Tom Brady"

Solomon said he felt wronged and set up a Gofundme page and said "I am now unemployed, i need to pay my bills and possibly save up for what might be a lawsuit on my hands in case this lady that loves Tom Brady a little too much decides to retaliate". He also warned that the first 100 dollars will be used on BOOZE to get him through it..

Tom is gearing up for the Superbowl once again as he's embroiled in controversy after a video of him kissing his 11 y/o son on the LIPS has gone viral

He has only raised $300 so far and he's rooting for the EAGLES

Would you fire him based on what he did? let's see what people will vote

Solomon -

Tom - Creepster

Wall Street -

Rich Fat Cat -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
absolutely you don't disrespect the GOAT
Victimless crime
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
I'd promote him tbqh. Doing god's work.
Growing up, I wish some teacher told me "You probably won't ever need this, but if you don't learn it, you might miss out on something really cool."
ninkendo posted...
absolutely you don't disrespect the GOAT

Where did it say in the article he defaced a Manning item?
UInstinctGogeta posted...
ninkendo posted...
absolutely you don't disrespect the GOAT

Where did it say in the article he defaced a Manning item?

MWC, you misread. He defaced a Chris Jericho poster.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
scarletspeed7 posted...
UInstinctGogeta posted...
ninkendo posted...
absolutely you don't disrespect the GOAT

Where did it say in the article he defaced a Manning item?

MWC, you misread. He defaced a Chris Jericho poster.

Fair enough....

Punish to full extent of all, and further.
Board 8 » This 37 y/o Asian Man was FIRED for Tearing Down a TOM BRADY POSTER!!!!