My experience grocery shopping today (Costco and Walmart)

Board 8

Board 8 » My experience grocery shopping today (Costco and Walmart)
After all the horror stories and videos I see online I go to Costco an hour before they close and it's surprisingly empty. Everyone had toilet paper in their cart except for me (I had the foresight to buy it months ago... which will last me a year at least). Not too bad.

Go to Walmart after feeling good and again, it's pretty empty, normal for this time. Except I notice entire shelves empty everywhere: no bread, milk, frozen food, meat, etc. It was interesting to see certain things completely in stock, like yes there's a crisis but we're still not buying mr kibbles fish snax. I check to see what frozen pizza is left and there's literally only one type with like ten boxes and it's the exact brand I always buy anyway (Digiorno Primo Pepperoni). So I buy five. Next was to hit up the meat section and again, it's picked clean. I spot two employees still doing inventory on what remains and they move on to the next section revealing a ten packages of ground turkey -- again, the exact thing I always buy! Guess I got lucky and I'm the only one who eats these things.

How are ya'll doing?
Costco had plenty of produce, meat, milk, etc. Only missing toilet paper and sliced bread. People were pretty chill even though the store was set up weird for safety
Thus is our treaty written; thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked for was given; the price is paid
I went to Save-A-Lot on Friday and found it totally normal. Shelves fully stocked, only a few people shopping, everyone ignored the stacks of toilet paper.

(They were out of pork chops and low on steak, but I think that's because their meatcutter typically works weekends)
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
I'll be checkin out Walmart after I get off work in the morning

Hoping being dressed in hospital scrubs scares away people
I went to a local Kroger today and the pasta (and pasta sauce) was pretty well picked over but everything else was normal.
I was at a Meijer a couple days ago, and while there were some shortages, they still had most things. Toilet paper and hand sanitizer was hit hardest from what I saw, but they still had plenty. I only grabbed a couple soaps, wish I had grabbed a couple more but I didn't wanna go overboard. Already got about 20 rolls of TP at home from a costco trip like two months ago so I'm good on that.

Wal-Mart today was destroyed though. They had absolutely no toilet paper, no milk except 0%, no water, very little bread. Pretty much every aisle had big chunks with nothing on it, whether it was cereal or ramen noodles. Meats included, I think they were completely out of chicken. Also heard a fight had broken out earlier over TP, with some woman nearly getting her ass beat after buying up a huge chunk of it.
I'm low on toilet paper, got enough to last a week or two. I have memberships at both Costco and BJ's, but neither company seems to have toilet paper in stock.

But I do have Tostito's Scoops and salsa. That's got to count for something. I've also got plenty of ramen noodles, which should last a while.
Board 8 » My experience grocery shopping today (Costco and Walmart)