My experience grocery shopping today (Costco and Walmart)

Board 8

After all the horror stories and videos I see online I go to Costco an hour before they close and it's surprisingly empty. Everyone had toilet paper in their cart except for me (I had the foresight to buy it months ago... which will last me a year at least). Not too bad.

Go to Walmart after feeling good and again, it's pretty empty, normal for this time. Except I notice entire shelves empty everywhere: no bread, milk, frozen food, meat, etc. It was interesting to see certain things completely in stock, like yes there's a crisis but we're still not buying mr kibbles fish snax. I check to see what frozen pizza is left and there's literally only one type with like ten boxes and it's the exact brand I always buy anyway (Digiorno Primo Pepperoni). So I buy five. Next was to hit up the meat section and again, it's picked clean. I spot two employees still doing inventory on what remains and they move on to the next section revealing a ten packages of ground turkey -- again, the exact thing I always buy! Guess I got lucky and I'm the only one who eats these things.

How are ya'll doing?