Board 8's Wrestling Match of the Week - The Return, Short Gems edition

Board 8

Eddie vs Tim Thatcher

First of all the atmosphere here really played to Tims strengths. The audience being just right on top of the action, with the fans able to literally pound on the ring apron had the effect of making this fight feel almost like a fight scene from a 90s action film, you know the type with Jean Claude Van Damme and all that.

The style was very amateur in feeling with loads of grappling and strong strikes. You can almost feel Eddie bristling at not having the outside of the ring to work with as he is stuck in the fight pit with Tim Thatcher.

Thatcher sadly still has just absolutely no personality. He's just a guy. Probably the most technically proficient person I've ever said that about but its true. But as an obstacle for our Hero Eddie Edwards to overcome he performs admirably.

For a match this mat based it didnt have a lot of long drawn out spots which was nice. Eddie is such a compelling babyface that he makes this match work for me but it is a reminder of Tims limitations as well. I marked big for the Kojima Chops at the end. Definitely makes me miss the old Eddie.

Board 8's Voice of Reason