What were some games released in 2020 that you really liked?

Board 8

Hades while a very good game with pretty addictive gameplay is overrated to the skies like most good indie games. Everybody keeps talking about the how awesome the combat is (it is very fluid and tight but nothing deep) but nobody mentions the overly repetitive nature of the game. Beating the game for the first time was very satisfying but then having to beat it 9 more times to see the true ending exposed how small the game actually was.

Typical indie over exaggerated fanfare because it seems to be the cool thing to do in this generation of games. Same with Disco Elysium. My fucking God was that game overrated. Good but nowhere close to the best high budget games Jesus christ. And for reference, I beat both games in its entirety.

Hades is a very good game in its own right and definitely worth playing but nowhere is it even close to being GotY. One of the best indie games made? Maybe.