Board 8's Match of the Week - Just Good Matches This Time (MOTW)

Board 8

Ayako Hamada & Ayumi Kurihara vs Madison Eagles and Sara Del Rey

So as I said to Iceman in Discord there are EXACTLY four DVDs of Shimmer that I subscribed to and watched and they remain my only exposure to the promotion - this volume was literally one of those four somehow.

So I have actually seen this match before and I remember exactly like Iceman is saying that at the time I was incredibly impressed with Del Ray and thought Eagles, while a little awkward was a surefire future super star.

Well its 9 years later, Del Ray never got a major league contract and Eagles never got the bit less awkward she needed to get to go to the next level.

That said this was a great little match back then and now - blows me away that such an important promotion takes place in like - the sort of place my grandpa would take me so he could drink while he babysat me. My recent exposure to Giggolo Jimmy Del Ray has me thinking that Sara probably had much the same in her life.

Anyway this was solid as fuck and good spot of fun.
Board 8's Voice of Reason