~Board 8's All Purpose Wrestling Topic Year End Awards Show! [APWT] ~

Board 8

Welcome back everyone to the show that sleeps most of the year - it's the APWT Year End Awards show, a tradition that reaches back to 2011 where our board 8 community votes on the best, and the worst of the year that was in professional wrestling.

This year would have been interesting in terms of industry level stories no matter how we sliced it as we entered the first full year of true high budget, high quality wrestling competition for WWE on cable. This year saw AEW blow away NXT and start to slowly gain ground on Raw.

In addition to that, Covid changed the landscape of wrestling this year as fan favorite promotion New Japan spent much of the year not running shows and when they came back they set off in the daring new direction of a Main Event EVIL. The G1 happened late and the build to this year's Wrestle Kingdom has been strange to say the least. Even when they did come back the dreaded "clap crowds" seemed to be devoid of the usual energy.

Meanwhile, other promotions did run during the promotion, not even just WWE and AEW. The vacuum caused by New Japan allowed the likes of Dragon Gate and NOAH to capture attention on the board that they previously had not. And even Impact made a huge return to the public eye thanks to the Golden Screwjob angle linking Kenny Omega and Impact promoter Don Callis. Even these promotions that did run however had to deal with no crowds, or tiny crowds or crowds made up mainly of wrestlers who weren't working a given match, again robbing wrestling of much of its atmosphere.

But still - some stuff still ruled, some stuff sucked worse than ever and we are here to tell you which was which.

All in all its been an unusual year for an unusual sport and we will begin our show as always with our four negative awards -

Worst Angle
Worst Match
Worst Wrestler
and the most talked about and debated category of the four: Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic

We had 11 voters this year: @Steiner @Bidoof @Whiskey_Nick @NBIceman @Kyubit_Foxstar @eaedwards6400 @TheSultanOfSlam @StifledSilence @illuminatusbubu @IhatethisCPU and of course yours truly.
Board 8's Voice of Reason