~Board 8's All Purpose Wrestling Topic Year End Awards Show! [APWT] ~

Board 8

Worst Angle of 2020
In a year renowned for how shitty it was, 2020 got to "benefit" from the popularization of the cinematic "match" which really juiced up this category to make it more than its usual bad storylines and segments.

Without further ado, let's count down the bottom 5.

5) Heavy Machinery Breaks Up (WWE)
2020 was among other things, the year of the aborted push for Otis (formerly Dozevich). He had the girl, he had his best bud and he had the Money in the Bank briefcase. And like all who get the briefcase, Vince clearly had a vision for Otis as a future star and the way to do that? Make him suffer a series of indignities. He would first lose Mandy Rose from his act and then end up in a feud with THE MIZ of all people. Then Tucker betrays him to help the Miz. So clearly this tag team break up was meant to make both stars? Nope. Otis tumbled back down to the lower midcard and Tucker...he LOST on Main Event the next week.

4) EVIL is Evil (NJPW)
Speaking of pushes that were ill-advised, let's talk about EVIL! He was one of the Los Ingobernables chaps that was riding high after a Wrestle Kingdom that saw them holding the Double Belt and the Trios tag belts. And the question became for Naito - what direction was next for him now that he had finally taken down his hated rival Okada. The New Japan Cup was going to be our first look into the tea leaves and lo and behold we found heel turn for EVIL, now a member of the Bullet Club! The big bear of a great tag wrestler EVIL teaming up with the awesome Dick Togo - this pairing obviously had potential. Instead, EVIL wrestled as though he had a lobotomy and Dick Togo did literally nothing except choke people with garotte wires in increasingly more poorly executed ref bump spots.

This whole angle was a weight on New Japan's year but apparently there are worse sins such as...

3) The Fiend turns face by diddling Alexa Bliss and having her like it. (WWE)
I'll let this gif do a bit of the heavy lifting for me - this is Alexa Bliss now:

She got dragged into the Braun/Wyatt feud as they did the DEEP CUT throwback to Alexa and Braun's teased relationship during the Mixed Match Challenge (on Facebook). The plot twist was that Braun, in his rage towards Wyatt, got violent with Alexa while the fiend...stroked her cheek and comforted her. This turned The Fiend into a 'babyface' (i.e. the piped in fake crowd noise for him became cheers) and the story kicked off with The Fiend nearly sharing a kiss with her before two weeks later the two began to be presented as a romantic coupling both in ring and in the Firefly Funhouse. Alexa began presenting herself as a preteen girl with pigtails and skirts.

And she ended off the year trying to make Orton set her on fire so she could "be with him". Such good shit.

2) The Nightmare Collective (AEW)
Brandi Rhodes attempt at a gothic horror themed stable. It really almost isn't even fair to include considering they only existed for about two weeks in 2020 with most of its shit people remember vividly residing back in 2019, but it was REALLY bad as the group existed as a vehicle for Kong who then couldn't go and who they then lost. Brandi looked good in fishnets at least.

1) Retribution's Debut. (WWE)
I find this one difficult to talk about. Partly, that's because I am not a regular WWE viewer and thus don't have ALL the details to plumb from. But the other is that this group has been a completely janky, start-stop nightmare that hasn't been presented in any sort of coherent way. But I will try. For the people. This is a group of people from the WWE Performance Center who demand respect and want to destroy the WWE. They wear masks and have silly code names like T-Bar and Mace and their idea of destroying WWE is like...using a chainsaw on some ring ropes and occasionally messing with the thunderdome screens. The teamed up with natural heel and well known hacker Ali and then proceeded to job to a group of 40 year old black men and THEN for some reason started winning matches.

Just puzzling all around and your WORST angle of 2020.
Board 8's Voice of Reason