~Board 8's All Purpose Wrestling Topic Year End Awards Show! [APWT] ~

Board 8

Best Non-Wrestler of 2020
There were a lot of good talkers brought into managerial and announcing roles this year. They were memorable and especially in AEW they made great use of great talkers from the past to flesh out their program.

3.) Jake Roberts (AEW)
Jake Roberts being brought back from the brink was one of the feel good stories of the past decade of wrestling, so to see him in AEW and managing Lance Archer providing him an air gravitas and a voice that casual fans could identify with was great. While Jake sometimes struggles cutting promos in the ring, he is still one of the best pre-tapeds.

2.) Tony Schiavone (AEW)
Last year's winner - Tony is still everything that is pure and good about wrestling. It's so great to see him being great again. He serves as the wide angle lens and is positive about the product and the wrestlers and does well as the inquisitive side that plays off of excalibur. He also serves as a great punching bag for the heels.

1.) Taz (AEW)
Taz. When Taz first came back and began doing commentary on AEW Dark people groaned. Not this guy again. He sucks. Memories of Smackdown and Impact with Taz phoning it in filled people's minds. He turned out to be great on Dark. And then he started to get involved with Darby Allin. And then he started working with Cage and Ricky Starks. And every week he cuts these chip on their shoulders promos. He plays off of the pure charisma of Ricky Starks well, he has been going after Cody hard lately and all of them rule.

Taz is our best Non-Wrestler of the Year.
Board 8's Voice of Reason