~Board 8's All Purpose Wrestling Topic Year End Awards Show! [APWT] ~

Board 8

Best Feud of 2020

Runner Up: Darby Allin vs Team Taz
This is such a simple series of matches. Darby, struggling, turns down help from Taz. Taz, upset at this, goes out and teams with Brian Cage and Ricky Starks. Darby beats the hell out of Ricky Starks in a memorable series of tag matches leading up to the big singles match. Now Darby is fixing to do the same with Cage and with Powerhouse Hobbs.

Winner: Jon Moxley vs Eddie Kingston
Very well done across the board - they took an initial emergency match that people didn't really like and paralyed it into a month of matches everyone did like. Well done by Eddie finally making good in his first big shot with a big company.
Board 8's Voice of Reason