Board 8's Match of the Week - Some More Good Matches [MOTW] [APWT]

Board 8

Which of last week's MOTY contenders did you like best?

Welcome back to our not even close to weekly, weekly wrestling match series where myself, @NBIceman and @Bidoof recommend matches to each other and give our best pitch for them.

Last week we reviewed some classic Match of the Year Candidates.

This week we have no theme - Just Good Matches.

This week I break from my pattern and recommend some puro!

Satoshi Kojima vs Kazuchika Okada (c) at NJPW Destruction 2013 (9-29-2013)

The story of this match is one Gedo likes to tell - Kojima beat Okada in the G1 and now is getting his title shot against the champ for having done so. What made this one special is the way Kojima did it - he used his own short arm lariat, a version of the very same move Okada had been using the fly to the top of New Japan. So this match the champ was not only trying to defend his title - but the supremacy of the rainmaker over Kojima's own lariat.

It fucking rules hearing a crowd going nuts for Kojima. He's my favorite of the New Japan dads and before he was the Bread Club guy he was one of the best ass-kickers in Japan. The match features a lot of "body part" wrestling as both men try to deprive each other of their lariat and then slowly builds and builds to a fever pitch leading to one of my favorite New Japan match endings. Just a starmaking performance by Okada - it was here that I knew he was truly special and not just the beneficiary of having worked with Tanahashi.

Also as a note - don't be intimidated by the run time there - it includes the pre-match promo, the match, the post-match afters and the press conference after.
Board 8's Voice of Reason