All-Purpose Wrestling Topic Part 506: A New Chapter Bea-GINS For The Shadow

Board 8

Listen, I don't blame him, or anyone else, for staying in WWE. Daniel Bryan has a family now. He's trying to make enough money to give his kids a good life. So yeah, he could want to wrestle all these people, but this is where the safest money is for him.

I only have a problem with people who don't really have a family they want to support and aren't in a top position to make loads of money and then complain about WWE not using them right so they can get to that level and it's like... you have to know what company you're getting into. They can't use some of the best talent in the world in a decent way and haven't for years now, and it's worse than it's ever been. If you get into it now and later complain about not being elevated to a point, that's on you. But if you're there and happy with your paycheck and your position, all the power to you.
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