With mask mandates ending

Board 8

StealThisSheen posted...
Ahh, yes. The "I hate this lockdown but also I can't be assed to do literally anything toward helping end it" approach. Fascinating.

Can I ask if you're just not vaccinated because you haven't been able to get it yet, or are you choosing not to?

im in Ontario. I wasnt even eligible to get the first dose until pretty recently. I see our government push the propaganda pretty heavy these days straight from the prime minister. I find it interesting how we as Canadians are told we absolutely have to get vaccinated if we ever want to go back to normal yet here we are and our own PM is such a soft bitch he has never halted flights from countries where people are bringing in new variants.

the entire situation is hypocritical. Im making the situation worse by not wearing a mask yet apparently that plane from India, Southeast Asia, England, Africa full of unvaccinated people who potentially carry new variants ah shit let em in who cares its somehow everyone elses fault we cant take the risk of looking racist or xenophobic thats clearly more important

the entire thing from top to bottom is a shit show from our own PM down to grandma who cant figure out her god damn nose also goes in the fucking mask. We are never hitting here immunity. Im just waiting for it to eventually become old news and it becomes no different than how we currently treat influenza. Those who want the shot once a year can get one, everyone else who doesnt want it doesnt get it