With mask mandates ending

Board 8

StealThisSheen posted...
It's all selfishness and hate, no need to look into it any further.

I think the narrative about "selfishness" is kinda weird - not just from you, but the common sentiment that refusal to abide by covid restrictions is rooted in selfishness. It's weird to me because I sheltered in place for over a year and basically didn't leave my apartment except for biweekly grocery deliveries, and I did it purely because of selfishness. I don't overly care about some stranger's immunocompromised grandma. I do care about myself and my loved ones. I care about not losing my career and/or quality of life to chronic fatigue and brain fogs. All my covid precautions were based on self-interest.

I don't think Kureejii's being particularly selfish here. More like self-destructive. Other people are increasing their own risk during a pandemic so he's gonna increase his own risk too because ???
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high