Board 8 Discords #wrestling's Match of the Week - now featuring 100% less Punk

Board 8

Welcome back to the board 8 wrestling intelligentsias quest to share really good wrestling with each other.

Each week* someone will nominate a match that the rest of us watch and talk about it.

Last week we enjoyed some vintage CM Punk with the Second City Saints vs The Briscoes.

It had 1 rating of 4.0.

Now its Bidoofs turn to nominate!

The current queue is:

1. Eddv
2. Steiner
3. Maniac
4. Chilly
5. Bidoof (if no one else signs up)

If you wanna get in line just stay so

*give or take a few days or weeks

And with that I give the floor to the Doof
Board 8's Voice of Reason