Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial 2

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Board 8 » Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial 2
Hey all! Part 2 of this shit show. If you want to see Part 1 and all my summaries before that, check it out here:

DAY 16

First things first: Amber Heard dressed in a Dr. Evil fit. Look it up.

Second, they added on another hour for the rest of the trial so fffffffff that.

So you know how the Judge says during every break to anyone giving testimony "Hey remember you're under oath. Don't talk to your attorneys during this"? And that apparently the Judge issued an Order for Amber to not talk to her attorneys during the break?

Well she talked to her attorneys. lol Not a big deal in the scheme of things and they won't get in trouble but they immediately start off by saying "Wait hold on, let's start correcting and retconning things!" They "correct" the timeline of things. See, she just wanted to believe she was never hit for the first time so soon in her relationship because she loved Johnny so much! Like these corrections are absolutely absurd and it's just egregious and obvious. You want to know how much they talked? Online people said she was lying about never using a guitar and they had a line of questions to say she only POSED with a guitar. Who gives a shit why? lol

I'm not going to bring it up unless it's particularly interesting, but Camille once again demolished Elaine and Amber on objections. Just obliterating them. Even the Judge is sick of this.

COUCH is their safe word. It meant they were going to have a truce in the argument and they would sit on the couch and talk things through. I just like it because of her shrieking COUCH in the one recording just being her way to de-escalate things.

They show pictures of cuts on her forearm, uniformly sliced, and claims they were from her being sliced by glass in Australia.

And they just keep correcting things like wtf why is this happening. It's barely even worth bringing up what they're correcting. They're just getting in front of a lot of things people point out like "Hey why are you not hurt at all but Johnny is standing beside you with bruises all over you?" Like I can't be fucked to even keep pointing it out because they're all really just absurd.

Back in the timeline of things, they play the clip of her calling him a baby and admitting to hitting him and she tried to spin it as her just informing him that if he gets physical then she might need to and that he's just being a baby by attacking her! It was absolutely fucking insane and I refuse to believe anyone in the jury bought into that.

Amber and Elaine tried VERY hard to say that Johnny was always hallucinating like a crazy person and it got objected into oblivion and even the Judge was fucking over it.

They show the TMZ clip of him slamming cabinets again and she claims how SCARED she was, so she needed to film it in case something happened, when she's smirking during it and he actively walks away from her. Truly, horrified.

She claims that the only reason she threw Johnny's phone out the window during the birthday fight was because he did it first. And that he was grabbing her by the you-know-what again and taunting her and saying a bunch of sinister stuff.

She claims it was so very obviously their dog who pooped in the bed, claiming that they didn't want him to poop on the floor??? And that she does NOT find it funny and just outright claiming Sterling Jenkins was lying when she admitted it. Just insanity.

They go to the first break of the day and I'll take the moment to talk about how Amber's new PR guy is conspicuously absent today. For those who don't know, she fired her old PR team (that literally did PR for Barack Obama), and I would assume he's also been fired or something too, largely in part to some drama. The man was outed as being a sex pest forcing himself on women and creeping on people on dating apps, and getting fired from two old PR firms for this same thing. There's a big article about it you can look up, but fuck that guy.

We come back and Amber immediately throws her personal nurse under the bus and says that she just fucking lied about a "high-profile male acquaintance" being there, among other things. That's where we're at now. Just claiming the nurse is lying about things Amber directly told her. Like guys, she was never addicted to cocaine and liquor, and that she's never had a history of various disorders WHICH SHE PUT IN THERE BECAUSE AMBER TOLD HER. This is actually insane that we're going with this.

So the night that the cops went to check in on Amber, she said Johnny spoke with scientists that performed a DNA sample on her shit to prove it was her shit on the bed. She maintains that she would never do that and she says eventually claims she called her friend iO to simply explain to Johnny that she wouldn't shit in the bed, that's all. Not to mock him. And she claims that he said a bunch of anti-LGBTQ terms to iO. Keep in mind that iO will also not be testifying at court as a witness. And apparently Johnny also threw the phone at her face and eye. She was sitting on a couch for the entire time btw, somehow. He hits her on the head and tears at her hair and told her that he wanted to see how badly he hurt her. And then starts punching her again and yanking her around the room. Rocky comes in and Johnny drops her before she gets there. Amber somehow gets there on the couch again and Rocky is PROTECTING HER. And then he's screaming at her to get up and then she tells something specifically to Jerry Judge who is dead who she claims is the only one there. Josh, Rocky's boyfriend, also came to help after. Rocky and Josh are also not testifying as witnesses here on Amber's behalf.

And then they show a bunch of pictures with her having mild redness, like she was crying or used a bit of blush. Definitely not someone who got smashed in the face by a phone. And then the other evidence are pictures she took of shit in her apartment broken. The pictures of her face right here are like, the best evidence she's had this whole entire testimony. But you have cops saying she didn't seem like she was abused. The pictures are all varying levels of redness like she tried to stage for the best one. And then there are different necklaces in each picture. Her eye was okay after being smashed with the phone as well.

Anyway, Amber calls the police liars too and claims that the one said she knew she was hurt. She maintained she didn't say anything to the police, but she did it to protect Johnny, because of course. Prediction: On cross she'll be asked if she thinks it's noble to lie about something your partner did to protect them, and then they'll bring up how Johnny lied to protect her when she blew off his finger with a bottle.

And then she gets overly emotional for the first time today discussing why she was going to divorce Johnny even though she loved him but she knew she needed to and it's excruciating. She didn't get emotional after he beats the shit out of her again and this situation which caused her to decide they need to divorce, but suddenly she amps it up when she talks about divorcing him and about how she needed her locks changed. It's just so absurd at this point. And she was also emotional over the paparazzi swarming her when she got her restraining order.

She says that she has to have foundation and sunblock at all times because her skin is so sensitive (but you see her skin isn't sensitive enough to bruise and be seen). Amber claimed she NEVER leaves without make-up on because she doesn't want paparazzi to see her. You know, except for that time when she gets a restraining order. But that's coincidentally the ONLY time.
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Then we get to the "bruise kit" and then she IMMEDIATELY catches herself and says "I mean it's not a bruise kit." WHOOPS. And she says the one she was holding wasn't the one she kept in her purse all the time (even though Elaine on her opening said it was the same exact concealer kit she kept in her purse during the whole relationship). She gives her bullshit sphiel about what colors she used to conceal it. She says that with ice, your broken nose looks completely fine after a day or two. She concludes by stating "Of course I'm not going to walk around LA all day with bruises all over my face." And she scoffs. That's how we end the first part of the day. Lunacy. That's all this is.

Back from lunch and we're talking about how she was so angry that people were calling her a liar and a gold digger during their talk when they last met up, and she wanted HIM to call off those people and he was calling her a liar. She begged him "Don't make me prove it." lol They play the audio of her detailing how much evidence she has to corroborate her abuse claims and says it was not a hoax! She claims everything she has ever said about their situation has been the truth, and she just didn't want it to hurt Johnny!

Elaine is now mouthing off to the Judge now too and the Judge told them to come up to the bench over it. Judge is over this now.

ALL SHE WANTED was a statement for both of them, not any money or fame. They then talk about all this money that she donated because she's so selfless and that she just couldn't donate anymore because she was sued and claimed she spent $6 million on this lawsuit before the Judge called them and I assume she said "What the fuck do you think you're doing letting her talk about how much money she spent on this lawsuit?" She says she fully intends to make good on her pledges, and that both charities completely understand.

Amber said she lost out on roles and had to fight very hard to keep her Aquaman role and that they almost got rid of her. But then she mentioned that her role was increasingly with each draft of the script reduced to very minor in Aquaman 2, confirming that rumor. lol get fucked.

Then she threw ACLU under the bus and her personal attorney under the bus and said she took all of everyone else's advice and she just never did anything wrong and was an angel. She said that she never saw the title of the article but also admits to tweeting the article out. lol Whoops now it's in play wrong answer it could have gotten dismissed.

She says the article wasn't about Johnny at all, and the only person who thought it was about Johnny was Johnny. See, it was just about how she received backlash from when she accused Johnny of abuse, not about him at all. And she was so pissed off about it. And she goes on an unhinged rant about how everyone was supporting Johnny Depp and nobody supported her and that the PR machine was against her and she did so much for Johnny and tried to keep it private but nobody would let her do so and she just wanted to protect him but everyone is lying about her to protect HIM. Just absolutely deranged.

So here is how much money she made recently:
Aquaman - $1 million
Aquaman 2 - $2 million
The Stand - $200k per episode
Some Indy Movie - $65k
L'Oreal - Some amount of money she didn't specify

So at best maybe $7 million if you factor in if she lost out on another Aquaman sequel. She is counter-suing for $100 million in damages. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. This is how we end though. The testimony is over. Now we get the cross examination.

Camille Vasquez is doing this one and starts off by saying Johnny Depp hasn't looked at Amber Heard once. They play a recording of the last time they met where Johnny said he will never allow Amber to look into his eyes again while she begs him to let her touch him and hug him. And Camille points out that Amber has been staring at him the entire time.

Then they play the recording of the "tell the world and see who believes you" clip. Amber says she was saying it to the man who beat her up. And Camille goes "You mean the man you beat up. Numerous times." And Amber says she could never hurt Johnny. lol Camille keeps going in hard and drilling her on how she abused Johnny. Amber legit says "You can look up both of us online and see who is being abused." Really cool argument.

Amber confirms that Johnny is always wearing rings at all times that are huge. Camille tries to get her to confirm she recalls the story from May 2013 where Johnny hit her many times in the face and she went "I don't know when you mean because he hit me in the face numerous times in that month." Then, Camille shows a picture of her bruised arm and just goes "There are no marks on your face here, right?" And that she did not need medical attention. And that there are no medical records about this.

Basically, she tours Amber talking about many of the incidents where she alleged being brutally assaulted and points out "There are no pictures of these from you because they don't exist and they weren't produced" and shows multiple pictures of Amber's face looking completely fine despite claiming broken noses and other things. Just an absolutely devastating takedown. She then throws her attorneys under the bus because she's like "I produced literally everything I don't know why they aren't being shown." She refused to produce her pictures with metadata up to the week before trial started. There is absolutely going to be a jury instruction about this. Jesus god. You can't answer a question by saying "They exist but I dunno they just aren't here."

They also played the James Corden clip too where she's all animated without a scratch on her and then images of her mouth open wide where she said she had a split lip that kept opening and bleeding everywhere.

Camille then shows the picture of People's magazine with her having a mild bruise from that incident and said "So this picture is from People's magazine, right?" "So this is you protecting Mr. Depp after you got the restraining order, correct?" Amber says she didn't give it to People's magazine, her representatives or attorneys did! And Camille just goes "So your testimony is that your representatives or attorneys gave this picture to People's magazine during a contentious divorce?" Camille dead ass laughing at her while she said it. Devastating.

Re-watching, Elaine just like fell asleep and didn't say a word at this point. lol Camille drills into her that she was never treated for any injuries sustained by Johnny's purported abuse and Amber agrees. And good god, Elaine wakes up and says that the records were absolutely produced and they go up to the stand to talk about their scum fuckery.

And then she shows a bunch of pictures she took of Johnny sleeping and said "Okay so you took pictures of him sleeping but not of a lot of the brutal aftermath of the abuse you received." And she drills in that Amber sent pictures of Johnny in these positions to her friends, saying that this doesn't seem like she's protecting him then like she claimed. Amber claims she HATED taking these pictures of him sleeping. And she sent them to her friends to get support for herself!

They show the clearly staged picture with the coke and glasses of wine and Amber tries to tell Camille that she doesn't know how snorting cocaine works. Do tell, Amber. Basically, they point out that everything on it seems suspicious. Camille outright calls it staged. She also pointed out Amber has no pictures of Johnny with cocaine, but many pictures of him sleeping. Amber also claims that she has no idea how TMZ got the video of Johnny slamming stuff suspiciously before she was going to be deposed for the UK trial.
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Then Camille started asking about Amber donating the money to charity and played the video from Europe where she claimed to donate all of her settlement money to charity. Despite Amber not caring about the money, she REFUSED to allow Johnny to pay to the charity directly in her name because she didn't want Johnny to get the tax write off for donating it, and he would need to pay an adjusted amount. What the hell. lol

They go in circles while Amber keeps saying she PLEDGED to the money, and she says that it means she DONATED it, and it means the same thing since its promised to the charities! She thinks people will actually believe this absolute bullshit. She even compared it to buying a house, saying you don't pay for the whole house at once. Uhhhhh, you sure about that?

Amber was getting so pissed off and kept trying to say that she got sued, so she couldn't donate it and Camille pointed out that Amber had 13 months with the full amount before she got sued and didn't bother to donate any of it, and she pointed out that Amber, herself, never paid any of it and only Johnny and Elon Musk paid for it. She got extremely angry when Camille said she was trying to be a victim. "I have NEVER called myself a victim."

This is just devastating. It's just proving she just gaslights and lies to look good. It's over. No credibility left at all. She's done. She RAN away from the stand. Usually she meanders around and chats with her attorneys but this time she RAN towards the nearest door.

SCOOPS from lawyers who were there today!

The jurors were all attentive today at first but they just gradually made it very clear they were over her shit.

One older guy seemed like he hated Amber. Another guy listened to her explain the whole "I was hitting you, don't be a baby" part and he literally rolled his entire head in exasperation. When she got emotional, two of them looked like they clearly didn't buy it, nobody was paying attention or looking at her. One juror clearly hated Elaine and looked exasperated when she got lost in an objection vortex.

Jurors went from dead during Amber's testimony to alive during the cross and became especially interested during the donation deal. Two jurors actually gasped during it. lol

Amber also stared and made a bunch of faces at the lawtubers who were there, and they didn't believe it at first but she was laser focused on them. They think she recognized one of them from a video that went viral.
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The usual lawtubers that I follow have at least been impartial as far as I can tell... some were even sympathetic to her.

But I can imagine for everyone of those there are probably ten more making fun of this trial
Sword IGN: Pandora
Brilliant Diamond IGN: Aurora
htaeD posted...
The usual lawtubers that I follow have at least been impartial as far as I can tell... some were even sympathetic to her.
I have no sympathy for a monster. That's all Amber is.

The amount of lies she's already been caught in is obscene, and the assault has only just begun. Amber is helping Camille so much by making such egregious claims. What kind of fractured dimension is this psychopath living in? It sounds like the kind of place where all your distortions come true - if so, I want to live there, because I could actually be happy that way.

Camille is a hero for abuse victims and this will assuredly advance her career. She is everything Amber thinks she (Amber) is. Elaine will probably end up taking a lot of damage to her reputation. Just her, though, as the other lawyers are even less engaged than she is at this point. They recognize that they're defending this... this thing and that they don't have a case. They can pass it off as "Everyone, including monsters, deserves representation in a free country." Elaine actually seems to believe some of this shit. Good luck to her passing this off.
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#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
DPOblivion beat us all.
Do they ever go after people for lying under oath?
RaidenGarai posted...
Do they ever go after people for lying under oath?
Actually getting someone for perjury charges is nearly impossible but they sure are getting close with this one.
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A question for the law experts. So if Johnny Depp ends up winning the case and Heard can't pay the $50 million, does she go to prison? I honestly don't see how she can have that kind of money now. Johnny is being counter sued for $100mil which he for sure easily has that much and more.
Time to tag this to digest later
"I do because I can."
RaidenGarai posted...
Do they ever go after people for lying under oath?

It's usually very difficult since all they have to say is the testimony they gave was what they believed to be the truth.
Congratulations to azuarc for winning the guru challenge
htaeD posted...
The usual lawtubers that I follow have at least been impartial as far as I can tell... some were even sympathetic to her.

But I can imagine for everyone of those there are probably ten more making fun of this trial

What lawtubers have been neutral-to-sympathetic to Amber Heard? Everyone I follow is in agreement that this is a slam dunk for Johnny Depp, but that might be because they're more conservative than average lol
Neato, an account
Axl_Rose_85 posted...
So if Johnny Depp ends up winning the case and Heard can't pay the $50 million, does she go to prison?

No. They can put liens against property and possibly garnishments against future salary, but it's gonna be next to impossible for Johnny to actually collect that money. Most of his case is just about clearing Johnny's name so he can get high profile gigs again (which judging by him getting a Super Bowl commercial, was probably already true).
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
Amber continues to say she's a poor, innocent victim of assault and that she'd never ever hurt Johnny, even in the face of recordings and her own admissions to her therapist.

Their stories couldn't be any more opposite. Thing is, one has proof to corroborate. The other has zilch and just keeps saying "No, I remember everything - it's everybody else who doesn't! The recordings are wrong!" It's hilarious.

Camille is absolutely destroying her. Amber's trying to keep her composure but this is clearly breaking her. Her scam is finally coming to light. Thing is, I don't know if she even realizes how distorted she is. Her Palace has nothing resembling reality whatsoever.

Her evil laugh is just... wow. What a villain!
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
NeatoAnAccount posted...

What lawtubers have been neutral-to-sympathetic to Amber Heard? Everyone I follow is in agreement that this is a slam dunk for Johnny Depp, but that might be because they're more conservative than average lol

Should have clarified it as 'youtubers' in general. My mistake.
The usual lawtuber I follow (Legal Eagle) was pure factual. But thats more him remaining an observer rather than sympathizing to both parties.
Sword IGN: Pandora
Brilliant Diamond IGN: Aurora
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
Aquaman - $1 million
Aquaman 2 - $2 million

How could she make more on the second movie when her role was severely reduced??

imo WB should still push Aquaman 2 back and re-shoot Mera's scenes with a different actor. I'm usually able to separate actors from their characters, but this one might be the one that breaks me. Maybe I should try watching the first movie and see if I can get through it hmm...
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
Every time you read this, squirrels randomly burst into flames. Think of the squirrels.
Yeah, a huge amount of people want a new actress to play Mera, because you can't have this badass love interest be portrayed by a vile harpy. In fact, it would be nice if they could re-shoot the existing movies with Emilia Clarke, but that costs a lot more money than, say, an overdub in a game or cartoon.

She keeps thinking this culture is flawed because people don't believe her. But people don't believe her because she changes her story a lot, contradicts the evidence, has the body language of a liar, and thinks she's a victim despite. She is the representation of domestic abuse itself.

Camille is also getting a lot of marriage proposals. That does not surprise me.
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
WB should replace her. They should also probably replace Ezra Miller who is just looking like trouble too and reshoot The Flash
Hell yeah but I've always wanted them to replace Ezra who is simply bad at acting. Never a good choice for the Flash. Granted it's Barry so maybe he'll die in Flashpoint and they can just cast a new actor for Wally.

Wait we're not living in a perfect world are we? Dang.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
I still think they shouldve given Grant Gustin a shot. Id love to see him play The Flash with hopefully actual good writing for him instead of the junk the CW gave him.

As for being on topic that part with Heard and pledge/donation was painfully hilarious
CassandraCain posted...
Hell yeah but I've always wanted them to replace Ezra who is simply bad at acting. Never a good choice for the Flash. Granted it's Barry so maybe he'll die in Flashpoint and they can just cast a new actor for Wally.

Wait we're not living in a perfect world are we? Dang.

How many mid to late 20s redheads we got in Hollywood??
Well hair dye exists! Though it doesn't seem like WB knows that or cares since neither Barry Allen actor has blonde hair.

Anyway here's an easily digestible video of Camille's brilliance during the first part of the cross examination. Damn she's incredible. Her and Dr. Curry are true heroes.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
CassandraCain posted...
How could she make more on the second movie when her role was severely reduced??
Contract was negotiated before the role was reduced.
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
That recording I just heard...wat

She is definitely done now right no way to recover from this.
"I do because I can."
There was a Saturday Night Live sketch about the trial at the weekend. I haven't seen it, but I did laugh at the mental image of one of the jurors relaxing at home after a long week observing the trial. Having obeyed the rules to avoid all trial coverage, they turn on the TV to watch Saturday Night Live, their favourite TV show, then the Depp VS Heard sketch starts and they yell "Oh come on!"
"I use donation and pledge synonymously" is such an embarrassingly shameless and obnoxious statement.

Like Jesus Christ, if you're gonna lie, lie better. Make it believable by first taking a long hard look and not assume that people were born yesterday.

I love watching this narcisstic trainwreck of a person being embarrassed at the stand but I really do wonder if her ego is so large that she can't even admit she is wrong when there is literal evidence staring at her face.
As someone who has worked on the financial side of multiple non profits that really annoys me. You never get all the money people pledge to you. Most places don't even bother using pledge totals for anything more than estimates for budgeting and then you still assume you won't get it all.
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
No but Ms. Heard is such a selfless saint who is absolutely the second coming of Mother Teresa. She without a shred of doubt didn't pocket a single dime from the $7 million dollars that she demanded from her monster ex husband only because she cares so much about children's hospitals and whatever the other thing was. And she PLEDGED the entire money to those charity. Oh sorry sorry, I meant DONATED since according to Mother Amber those two words are synonymous.

I absolutely believe Ms. Heard is the closest thing we have to a goddess. Everyone should love her for her generosity, honesty, compassion and charity. Such an amazing person. Are we certain she isn't already more well liked than Nelson Mandela and Gandhi?
I heard the other day that Mother Theresa was bad, actually
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
This just in, the words Good and Bad are synonymous to each other according to Ms. Heard so it doesn't matter.
Axl_Rose_85 posted...
This just in, the words Good and Bad are synonymous to each other according to Ms. Heard so it doesn't matter.
This post wins the topic
So I have had a lot of meetings today and I haven't caught up, but I understand that Elaine rage quit the re-direct so I'm guessing things keep going well for Amber.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
So I have had a lot of meetings today and I haven't caught up, but I understand that Elaine rage quit the re-direct so I'm guessing things keep going well for Amber.
I watched the morning only but... while not as vicious as yesterday, it was clearly building up to the kill. Amber was getting flustered to be called out on her shit and continued to lie through her teeth. She can't admit her shortcomings, as Axl said.

most_games_r_ok posted...
That recording I just heard...wat

She is definitely done now right no way to recover from this.
I'm curious what I missed now.

I'm also curious as to how all this got on tape. Why are there so many recordings? Was the NSA keeping tabs on them?
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
I thought that iO wasn't going to be testifying for Amber, so that's surprising.

Anyway, here's everything you need to know about iO.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
BlueCrystalTear posted...
I'm curious what I missed now.
I dunno if I was behind or not at the time but they played 2 clips in a row of audio of her literally abusing him and berating him for walking away from her abuse....wat. I dunno if it got used before or not but seems pretty damning to me.

And Elaine was terrible the amount of sustained objections that got thrown her way no wonder she had enough.
"I do because I can."
Oh, I'm surprised Rocky was also testifying. But it looks like they're just video depositions which isn't terribly surprising they refused to show up for a witness testimony.
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Any of Amber's friends are obviously gonna corroborate her story - but if pressed for details, they won't provide specifics, and will make it clear they're just doing that to be a good friend. That said, I would never want to be friends with a monster. These friends are most certainly condoning abuse and are participating in victim-blaming that makes them look just as abhorrent.

I did hear one recording this morning that made me uncomfortable because it showed how unhinged she is. Camille also quoted Amber as saying that Johnny's son step-dad "was more of a father than [Johnny's] left nut" or something.

It was this discomfort that has made me decide to boycott any media with Amber Heard in it. She quite clearly belongs in an insane asylum. I hope some of her prior works take the time to digitally replace her with someone else. That would be the ultimate slight.
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
This was great. She is clearly pissed at how Elaine couldn't rehab this shit. Lol
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Catching up, Amber is so backwards. "He's lying because he can't look me in the eye. Here I am, a victim, and I'm able to look at him."

Uhh... WHAT?! This isn't Survivor, a game of social strategy where it's an easy tell if someone's lying if they can't look at you. This is a case of ABUSE. Johnny was abused by this harpy, and the reason he can't look her in the eye is because her eyes remind him of all the trauma she's caused him . If you understand abuse at all, you'll know that being unable to look at somebody is a sign that you're a victim. Amber looking at Johnny so frequently shows that he didn't traumatize her at all.

Camille is objecting the shit out of everything Elaine is trying to say on redirect. What a freakin' boss. Elaine is losing her marbles at being unable to ask anything regarding the case or letting any of Amber's lies to come through. "I've been putting off surgery to help my breathing..." oh sure, give us your medical records - "NO HIPAA!" okay, then, guess you don't want the help.

I didn't get to Amber's abuse-condoning friends unfortunately. They're certainly putting their careers on the line too. (I'll wait for a recap.)
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))

I'm totally willing to jump on the Johnny/Camille ship

He deserves a perfect woman after all this.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
DAY 17

Summary: I'm pretty sure this absolutely killed any and all of Amber's case and I do not think that she's going to win now. I just don't see any members of the jury not finding her guilty after this, especially given their reactions yesterday and what I've heard today. This was by far the worst day for Amber so far, and it was absolutely devastating for her case.

They start out with showing the giant knife to the jury and Camille is just like "So you gave this knife to the man who was routinely beating you, correct?" Amber tried to say that it was just around that year-ish that it started.

Then Camille launched into asking Amber about the phone that Johnny supposedly destroyed his finger on. She shows a picture and Amber said "It's just barely out of frame of the picture here and it's not depicted in any photos." And Camille just says "That's convenient." Isn't it though? And then Camille shows a phone on the counter next to it and asks why there's a second phone in this area.

Then Camille questions the order Amber told things by pointing out that Amber said he destroyed his finger, then still threw her around, then held her down while he was assaulting her with the bottle and she's like "Well actually he wasn't holding me down probably!" And "I just don't remember the order of things over this three day period! And then Amber said the injuries she received from this absolutely brutal assault in Australia "were not serious" and she didn't need medical attention from them. She also strangely tried to claim Dr. Kipper wasn't her doctor and they play a clip of her literally saying he was.

Camille also points out that Amber took only two pictures there, of the mirrors only, but that she didn't catch herself in the reflection. Amber went "Well Ben King isn't in the mirror of the picture he took either." And Camille just went "He's not claiming to be suffering from any injuries at the time." A killer line was Camille asking if Amber wrote the red writing on the one mirror and Amber denied it, and Camille just went "Because if you did that would mean your husband was bleeding out from his amputated finger while your were writing snarky messages on a mirror, right?"

They play an audio of Johnny saying that he was running into five different rooms at Australia to try escaping her and she kept chasing her and banging on the doors (which is an extension of a clip opposing counsel used) and how he was trying to escape things from escalating. Amber said that was absolutely not what happened in Australia and tried to spin her bullshit and Camille just goes "Objection, move to strike everything she said she knocked on one bathroom door." Elaine says "She can't do that, she answered the question!" The Judge says "Not quite, so I'll sustain the objection."

Gonna just go ahead and say that Elaine tried, so fucking hard, but she was so beaten down today. Barely any objections went her way.

Camille continues by saying that Amber blew off his finger and he had to run and hide after she did so because he refused to talk with her about it and Amber needed to. Amber denied it all and Camille just outright says "You weren't scared of him at all, were you?" Amber said he tried to kill her then, so of course she was scared!

Next they discuss the staircase thing where Johnny was in horrible pain and almost died from MURSA and said "So Johnny was able to assault you and your sister?" Amber calls Nurse Debbie a liar, because of course she does. And then Camille says Amber filed a complaint against Nurse Debbie's nursing license before the case, and Amber denies it, but then Camille says it was related to her not reporting rebuse in conjunction with her care of Johnny Depp and that it was reported a literal week prior to her deposition. Then she calls Travis McGivirn a liar too outright. Amber then changed it from him trying to push Whitney, Amber's sister, down the stairs to actually trying to punch her.

They show her a bunch of love notes where she admits to wrongdoings constantly and talking about how much she loves him and how kind he is after he alledgedly did all of these horrific things to her and supposedly almost killed her sister.

Amber also denies ever having cut herself, and says that her own nurse was a liar for saying she told her that.

Then they show the picture of her on the train where Johnny supposedly broke her nose where she's completely wasted and Johnny has bruises all over his face and she goes "No, he doesn't look injured in that picture. It's photoshopped." Jesus fucking Christ the insanity. Camille also points out the knife on the bed where Johnny supposedly broke a part of it. WHOOPS. And that she didn't take a picture of the pillows that were supposedly drenched in blood.

Also, she called that random woman who worked on the island Tara Roberts a liar too, of course. Camille points out that Amber never said Johnny sexually assaulted her on that Christmas weekend in the Bahamas until a fifth witness statement for the UK trial. This was when Amber supposedly spilled wine on her three times and there's audio of him calmly telling her (not screaming at her like Amber said) about her freaking out his son by her screaming at Johnny in front of him while Amber just mocks him over it and complains that Johnny uses other people to bolster his arguments about Amber's behavior. And Camille points out she complains to Johnny about wine being spilled on her, but never about Johnny supposedly assaulting her.

Camille then talks about how Amber would continue to drink and do drugs while Johnny was trying to be sober and then pointed out that they literally have doing drugs on their wedding itinerary and that Amber tried to claim that it was just a proposed draft! "So it was your idea to do drugs with your husband, the addict and monster, for your wedding?" Amber tried to bullshit her way out of it but maaaan impossible to believe.

For the birthday incident, Camille points out that Amber didn't accuse Johnny or sexually assaulting her that night until the interrogatories filed in February of this year. But you see she mentioned it on a different page, but she didn't remember until the trial that it happened on her birthday! They play an audio of Johnny talking about how Amber just ran up to him while he was on the bed and was just beating the shit out of him. She claims that is NOT how it happened and she wasn't talking to him at all about it!

And concerning Coachella when she got sick, she claims that Starling Jenkins, former marine, was also lying. And pictures and video of her at Coachella also show no injuries, but they do show hella side boob.

They play another audio of Amber in the clip before she said she hopes Johnny's son's stepdad can teach him how to be a man because Johnny can't. And it's just the cruelest fucking thing. Just absolutely insane ramblings and cruelty from Amber. She's cackling like a supervillain and doing baby voices and belittling him and calling him a loser and a sellout and laughing while he's trying to talk to her in a civil manner. Just DERANGED audio from her. Needless to say, she does not seem afraid of him in this clip at all, and obviously if you were afraid someone could kill you, you would not be trying to egg him on. And during this whole deranged, insane audio Johnny is just calm during the whole thing.
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Camille shows some texts from Amber just repeatedly rapidfire texting him after he left to another home begging him to come back and guilting him for going and it's just CRAZY. And it seems like drunk texting because the grammar is all out of whack. And Amber tries to spin this as her just begging him to come back because OUT OF NOWHERE FOR THE FIRST TIME she claims when he runs to another house to escape a fight, he uses drugs, and then he comes back and that's when he's terrible to her. Just impossibly awful.

Then they play an audio of Amber begging him not to leave because it causes her so much stress and she's losing her mind and just shrieking in an unhinged manner about how SHE IS KILLING HER if he leaves. And Johnny just keeps calmly saying he needs space because things keep escalating and that he won't allow things to get nasty. And Amber just keeps begging like a maniac. And Amber then claims that the audio's context was that Johnny was about to leave and go use. And Camille says that Johnny was actually going to go leave to see his daughter. WHOOPS. But don't just take her word for it, she plays audio of Johnny literally saying as much from right before the audio she just played while Amber is just being a fucking asshole about him wanting to spend time with his daughter. Holy shit Amber BTFO. Just masterful destruction of her credibility with this.

Camille shows two identical, literally identical, pictures that she submitted and showed earlier of Amber with a bruise. One has a more red hue to the whole image and the other doesn't. Camille just dead ass says "You edited these images, didn't you?" Amber denies it and Camille reiterates Amber edited them to make it more red.

Then she points out Isaac didn't see Amber with any injuries before she got the restraining order, security guy Sean didn't, and the police officer didn't. Amber said "She did not consider my marks to be signs of abuse." Screw yoooooou. Camille makes sure to clarify that she said she saw NO marks. She points out that it's inconvenient for Amber that the officer didn't see it. And that every other officer also testified not seeing a single injury on her face. All of them are also liars. "He didn't even know who I was!" "We saw his video camera that you introduced yourself to him." "But he was far away!" INSANE.

Camille points out that the very same day that she changed the locks on the door is the same day that she brought James Franco over, and they show video of James Franco in the elevator with her, snuggling up and pressing his face to hers, and that she felt comfortable letting him in now that Johnny or anyone else couldn't get in to see. But remember, Amber NEVER cheated on Johnny and Johnny was CRAZY for ever thinking Amber was cheating on him with James Franco.

Then Camille shows images of Amber at the courthouse looking very sad and hurt, and Camille says "So you were having a photoshoot inside a courthouse?" And then says "So you didn't use your bruise kit to cover up your bruise this one time?" And Amber claims that Rocky told her not to cover it up this time.

And Camille shows the article and drills Amber on it and Amber tries to keep saying none of it is about Johnny, but then she plucks out parts and asks what she was referring to (i.e., the abuse she claims Johnny did to her) during each moment. She sounds like such an idiot trying to act like the article had nothing to do with Johnny. And then for the title, Camille shows the tweet Amber made linking to the article. Amber claims she NEVER saw the title of the article even though she tweeted the article itself. "Not so careful about what you choose to publish, are you Ms. Heard?" And then Camille points out that Amber didn't have to include the link to the Tweet at all, and then Amber admits to never attempting to have them change the title of the article at all before she tweeted it out because she didn't think she had to. Fucking hell, she just torched her defense for this.

Amber claims that comments from Johnny's UK attorney in an article about her entire hoax and that she says that's why she started to lose her job. This is to destroy her counter-claim. See, Johnny brought on multiple people to corroborate that he specifically lost the Pirates franchise after Amber's article, but Amber, as far as I can tell from the proposed list of people testifying, has nobody speaking to the work she lost and the amount of money she lost. That's the difference here, is that she's just saying it without proof. But Camille points out there's been a lot of negativity about Amber in the news aside from just that one article. Amber says "I know it's a smear campaign, you can look it up." So Camille goes "Let's look at some of that then." This is important because you need to be able to point to ONE defamatory article to prove damages, not just a bunch of them. Camille shows a bunch of articles specifically talking about Amber Heard admitting to abusing Johnny and Amber is trying to say it's all a PR smear! And then she brings up the article of her former assistant Kate James talking about Amber stealing her sexual assault story for her UK testimony.

Lunch break! So let's discuss a rumor that seems to have some credibility to explain Amber and Elaine today. Supposedly a deputy left the door open and someone overheard a heated conversation between Amber and Elaine wherein Amber was screaming at her and Elaine said that "if you don't like it you can fucking represent yourself". I think this has wings because, uh... Elaine is just deflated today. And Amber seems like she's just going AWOL from the actual tactics they were trying to use, because it's especially apparent today too, and Elaine is just unable to reign her in to keep her from going off the rails and just can't protect her from making horrific decisions to her claim and Elaine is just getting beat the fuck up with objections trying to salvage her. Keep that in mind coming up on re-direct.

Anyway, back to the cross. Amber says that she wants to move on with her life, but Johnny's UK attorney just won't let her with that article. She made a tweet that replied directly to him saying "Yes Mr Waldman, I may be wearing makeup on this occasion but on every occasion you will still be short." lol So Camille also points out that actually Amber's life is going pretty well. She's still filming movies, she has an Elon baby now, she's still happy and hanging out with friends and cooking, and she's in Aquaman 2! Amber says she may not actually be in the final cut of Aquaman 2 anymore. Uhhhhhh. That's kinda big, especially from yesterday where she said she had a minor role in it. So she can't even use emotional damage or financial damage for her counter-claim. whoops

Then they play an audio of Amber admitting to hitting Johnny and saying she can't promise to not get physical and she gets so mad she loses it sometimes. She denies she ever said that to Ben King. SO BEN KING IS A LIAR TOO. Another audio clip is played where she complains he keeps running away while he's saying he does it to prevent things from getting physical. Another recording is played where she admits she lied to someone about hitting Johnny, and then calls him a baby for punching him and that she did hit her but it wasn't a punch and that Johnny needs to grow up and that she started a physical fight because Johnny tried to run. Another recording is played where Johnny is calmly telling her that he tried to open the bathroom door because she was knocking on it and he scraped her toes with the door and then she admits to hitting him as a response to the door and apologizing for it.
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Amber claims that she just simply meant she was hitting the door, not Johnny, even though it's clearly explained in the recording she punched him in the jaw. Madness. Then they show the video from her deposition for the restraining order and replay that same clip. Elaine tried like hell to keep it from going in but failed, obviously. This time in the video clip of that deposition, Amber is smirking during the recording and rolling her eyes. She then claims in that video that HE was trying to get into a room, not that SHE was trying to get into the room. And in that video, she claims that she did kick the door into Johnny's head and that she just cannot even discuss with Johnny the difference between a punch or clock or hit is.

Camille points out that Amber claimed she just wanted to move on from all this. Amber confirmed yes, she does. Camille then points out that Amber actually tried to sue Johnny two months before the op-ed article was published. For those unaware, Amber tried to sue Johnny first for claiming in an interview he never hit Amber. It got thrown out by a judge. But Amber claims they did NOT try to sue. Her attorney just sent a letter (with intent to engage in arbitration). Just more of this weasel language.

Next, Camille points out that Amber knew paparazzi would be there because they were alerted when she filed her restraining order. Amber says no, but Camille points out her publicist went to the courthouse with her. So Camille plays a video from the deposition regarding the restraining order of Amber trying to reach out to Johnny or Jerry Judge to ensure Johnny knows about the divorce filing because she didn't want him finding out from TMZ because they had been alerted--------------FUCKING WHOOPSIE! Amber in that video immediately stops mid-sentence and covers her face. Camille says that Amber had informed TMZ that she was filing for divorce. Amber denies it. Camille says that she was the one who sent that video of Johnny smashing cabinets that she recorded to TMZ too. Amber denies it and says she has no idea how to do such a thing! And Amber can't help herself and goes "And what does that get me? If I wanted to leak things about Johnny, I could have done so in a MUCH more successful way." Camille responds "Not when you were extorting him for $7 million?" Amber's response is "That's much less than what I was entitled to in the state of California, by the way!"

And then Camille asks Amber about her ex, Tasia! IT HAPPENED! Camille says that Amber was arrested for assaulting her ex. Amber says it's NOT true and that it was leaked by Johnny's team two days after she filed for her restraining order! (Despite it being in the news since 2009) The story behind this, btw, is that both Amber and Tasia claimed that the cop was just a bigot against gay couples, when the cop who arrested her was a lesbian. Amber continued to deny it was true and they went for a side bar for the third time in this exchange, I assume because Camille wanted to present the actual arrest information but the Judge denied it but the Judge looked PISSED during these, directly at Elaine. Camille then stated "Mr. Depp isn't the only romantic partner you assaulted, was he?" "I've never assaulted a romantic partner." "No further questions."

END CROSS. Just completely devastated and ruined. It's fucking over. I refuse to believe this can be rehabilitated after this. But you know what? There's a re-direct. Let's see how Elaine tries to rehab her.

Not one second after Camille walks away from the podium is Elaine already standing and asking questions. Before Camille can even get seated, Elaine asks if Amber's ex made a statement it was false and Camille IMMEDIATELY objects as hearsay. It gets overruled and Amber said of course. Camille is objecting and both Amber and Elaine are trying to talk over her.

Amber claims that Johnny just won't look at her because he feels GUILTY. And that she gets emotional because she doesn't understand why he won't just look at her! And Johnny is seen looking over at Ben Chew and saying "I don't want to." Elaine also mocks Johnny's voice during this which... is fucking insane. And at this point, people on the jury probably think he's the victim here and she's mocking a victim. How well do you think that goes over?

A vortex of objections ensues where Elaine is just trying to argue with the Judge who is having none of it and clearly losing her temper. Amber is trying to get her answers in, clearly, and Camille even has to ask the Judge to tell Amber to knock it off. "Objection, leading, lack of foundation, hearsay." That's where we're at. Elaine said "I said what if any!" And the Judge replied "What if any is not a cure all." Later, Elaine says "What if anything IS a cure all though!" Elaine looks like a husk at this point, more beaten down than I've ever seen. She gets lost in the weeds trying to get out that Amber presented all of her medical records and what they said about her nose. Eventually Amber gets out that she's been putting off nose surgery because it's kept her up. You know what else can give you issues with your breathing? Cocaine.

Anyway, you might be wondering why this was a complete disaster and as a change... I won't be blaming Elaine. Every time Amber answers ANYTHING. She tries to include all of these details about how she definitely told people something or these things are definitely written down somewhere, and it's hearsay. It's not admissible because they aren't in evidence. So Elaine has to try to ask these questions in a way where Amber's response won't immediately launch into hearsay, because she cannot control her and Amber refuses to stay in the lines. It's a complete breakdown between the two, and it started in her cross-examination the same way. Elaine doesn't trust her client to answer the questions properly in the bounds of court, and Amber just does not give a fuck about any rules because she thinks she's above them and just wants to get HER narrative in, and doesn't trust Elaine to guide her with simple questions to get there. And the facts Elaine has to work with are AWFUL. The Judge is just so fed up with all of this. It's to the point that even Camille sounds completely exasperated. At one point Elaine just goes "I'm trying, Your Honor, I'm trying." RIP. Both of Depp's security were laughing during these and one laughed so hard he had to leave the courtroom.

It's literally at the point where if Elaine can ask a question that isn't leading, it immediately gets objected to by Amber on hearsay. It is a DISASTER. She barely got any actual answers in. And then Elaine eventually goes "Your Honor, you said I could re-direct after the cross-examination." Camille looked PISSED.

Amber defended herself laughing like a lunatic villain by saying she was just trying to be light-hearted about a bad situation! Aight girl. She also confirms the police officer is a dirty liar who walked with her over broken glass. And that her and James Franco were ONLY friends.

"What if anything did Mr. Waldmen do to you, concerning that article?" "Objection Your Honor. Lack of foundation, calls for speculation...?" "What did he do to HER?" "...Incomprehensible? I don't understand."
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And then, completely out of nowhere after a few more objections, Elaine is just looking thoughtful for a while, flips through her papers and pretends to look through them, and then she says, "I have no further questions, Your Honor." And then she gave Amber a look before walking away. Pretty much just fucking rage quit her re-direct. This did nothing to help Amber at all to rehabilitate her. They just got to nothing important or relevant. It was just... insane. I legitimately think Elaine just got fed up and quit.

And speaking of being fed up, the Judge asked Amber to go sit with her attorneys twice, and instead Amber left before everyone else, including the jury. This is a BIG no-no and very disrespectful. Amber Heard is outrageously pissed off and it shows. Now, because of all of this? I can absolutely believe those rumors.

Oh and then the Judge said she wasn't dropping the claim that Amber isn't liable for the title. Sorry Amber.

So before I mentioned that Amber's friends iO, Rocky, and Josh were not going to testify. And they still aren't--they're appearing through a video deposition because they could not be fucked to show up to help out their friend Amber and get asked a bunch of difficult questions that match her narrative, and they can get in trouble and look like assholes for lying. Oh, and because Amber is no longer friends with any of them because they dropped her toxic ass.

First up is iO, who is a gigantic piece of shit and the most unlikeable person ever. If you want to know what a piece of shit iO is, he published a bunch of pictures of Johnny Depp's daughter and claimed that she was bisexual without either of their consent to get publicity for his book. And Johnny's daughter had to make a statement clarifying she is not in fact bisexual. And so Johnny and iO were actually pretty close, and that's why their friendship fell apart. Fuck iO.

iO is just a smug douchebag and it came across. He essentially said he never saw Amber actually get abused by Johnny, just repeated everything Amber claimed Johnny did, and all he did was reveal dirty laundry about Johnny that you can't even trust because iO is such a turbo douche. Johnny gave iO a place to stay, told iO it was hard for him to get close to people, got close to iO and then iO repaid it by airing irrelevant dirty laundry because Johnny Depp and his daughter nuked his career and his shitty book. Like it's all not even interesting or anything.

He claimed Johnny was different on different drugs and got aggressive on some of them and otherwise he was so great and "magical". Like iO just describes how amazing Johnny was to him and how generous Johnny was. iO also said Amber was immune to alcohol (like maybe she's a functioning alcoholic or something idk). And iO was like "Guys, you really love each other, so you should just get over your problems and just trust and love one another!" Thanks iO. Super helpful. The most outrageous claim iO made was that during the wedding Johnny told him "Now that we're married, I can punch her in the face!" Yeah, alright iO.

iO also talks about seeing Amber's injuries before the James Corden Show too. And Elaine just showed him a bunch of pictures and he was like "Yeah that's how I remember it."

More importantly, iO talked about the situation where Amber called iO to make fun of Johnny for claiming she shit on their bed. iO said that he wasn't there and didn't know and thought it was all for fun until he heard Johnny get angry and yell "How about I fucking kill you and peel your hair back!" He said he heard the phone dropping and Amber screaming and called Rocky and then called the police on them. Then he said maybe he called twice, he doesn't know.

iO just kept getting so unreasonably mad with Depp's lawyer who did the questioning. It's so absurd and I'm glad they kept all of his outbursts in. His narratives fall apart a lot more when Depp's lawyers are asking for clarifications and he's so angry over it. That's all for iO. Doesn't move the needle much at all. Just parroting Amber talking points and gave us nothing new or important. He's just a self-important douchebag.

Next up is Rocky Pennington, Amber's best friend, who seems really slow, she doesn't want to be there, and takes forever to answer any questions, probably because she was worried to answer them wrong and because her and Amber had a pretty huge falling out. She did not want to be doing this at all. She hasn't talked to Amber for almost a year now, similar to iO. I wonder why.

"Today, do you still consider Ms. Heard a friend?" "......................I wouldn't consider her... not a friend." "What does that mean?" "We don't speak. We're not enemies." "Why don't you speak?" "We drifted apart." "Today, you have no reason for why you don't speak with Ms. Heard?" "I wanted to spend my time with other people and prioritize other relationships."

Rocky says Amber did cocaine a substantial amount of times while they were in the middle of their relationship. lol Rocky talks about a story where they argued over some dishware getting lost and eventually it got heated enough that Rocky shoved Amber, so Amber hit her in the face.

So remember the time where Johnny had threatened to break that one girl's wrist when they were partying? Well Rocky testifies that Johnny never got angry or aggressive at all and didn't threaten to break her wrist at all. Also Rocky never heard or saw any "rage" from the trailer or any other time that day.

So Amber's case is so horrific they HAD to bring on Rocky. I explained it before, but the video depositions work in which both parties agree what parts of the video deposition are played, so they're essentially both of their witnesses. However, one party would have to say that they strongly help them enough they want it brought on. But Rocky here outright DENIES everything Amber said about that incident above. So they brought her on knowing that full well she was going to obliterate that story. I'm curious what was so valuable for Rocky they bothered to bring her on knowing this.

Tomorrow, there is one live witness and it's likely to be Whitney Heard, Amber's sister. The rest are video depositions. I think we're going to get 2-4 live witnesses for Amber and that's it. Those are the only people willing to come in and testify on her behalf. This includes expert witnesses, because they can't find any experts except that crazy woman at the start.
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PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
Camille also mocks Johnny's voice during this which... is fucking insane.

you mean amber, right?

Anyway, you might be wondering why this was a complete disaster and as a change... I won't be blaming Elaine. Every time Amber answers ANYTHING. She tries to include all of these details about how she definitely told people something or these things are definitely written down somewhere, and it's hearsay. It's not admissable because they aren't in evidence. So Elaine has to try to ask these questions in a way where Amber's response won't immediately launch into hearsay, because she cannot control her and Amber refuses to stay in the lines. It's a complete breakdown between the two, and it started in her cross-examination the same way. Elaine doesn't trust her client to answer the questions properly in the bounds of court, and Amber just does not give a fuck about any rules because she thinks she's above them and just wants to get HER narrative in, and doesn't trust Elaine to guide her with simple questions to get there. And the facts Elaine has to work with are AWFUL. The Judge is just so fed up with all of this. It's to the point that even Camille sounds completely exasperated. At one point Elaine just goes "I'm trying, Your Honor, I'm trying." RIP. Both of Depp's security were laughing during these and one laughed so hard he had to leave the courtroom.

i watched this part of the trial via a twitch streamer who was watching it. it's sad because literally the entire chat was completely bashing elaine into the ground when this was going on. they were all like "how can she be so terrible at her job," "lol no way she's getting work after this," etc. etc. not saying elaine is good but it seems like she couldn't have done much better with what she had to work with.

(that guy who was laughing so hard he had to leave was freaking hilarious, btw)
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Mr Lasastryke posted...
you mean amber, right?

i watched this part of the trial via a twitch streamer who was watching it. it's sad because literally the entire chat was completely bashing elaine into the ground when this was going on. they were all like "how can she be so terrible at her job," "lol no way she's getting work after this," etc. etc. not saying elaine is good but it seems like she couldn't have done much better with what she had to work with.

(that guy who was laughing so hard he had to leave was freaking hilarious, btw)
Oop, sorry. That was a typo. ELAINE was the one who mocked Johnny's voice.

And yeah, Elaine is not great. I've made that very clear. But it sort of clicked during this entire exchange just how much of a struggle she's had trying to work with Amber right now. I'm not exaggerating when I say that if Elaine asked a question that wasn't objected to for leading or anything else, Amber would answer and immediately launch into something that gets it stricken for hearsay. They were just so against each other this whole time starting with the direct.

Amber is actually probably one of the worst clients someone could do work for. She doesn't listen, she doesn't trust the attorney, and she wants to do what she wants, and I'm sure she's making outrageous demands (like telling them to ask about Johnny's penis). And I can just tell she's going AWOL from what they discussed as the best way to go about things to make the best case. You can see the tension in that they just refuse to even talk anymore while Johnny's side is all high fives and hugs.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Just watched the highlights of the entire day. Like wow, I honestly didn't think she can get any lower than she already was but just wow. What an absolute gutter trash vile excuse of a human being. Like wow.

My wife was watching with me and is a calm mild tempered person but even she was getting triggered watching whatever the fuck this shit was. The audio clip where she is taunting Johnny and laughing like a maniacal demonic person was just so fucking disturbing. It pretty much confirms she isn't just a lying sociopath but a borderline if not outright psychopath.

The day can basically be summed up as Heard being caught red handed with lets say her hand in a cookie jar and when someone asks hey are you trying to steal or eat those cookies. She responds, No I'm just touching them and feeling their shape.
Axl_Rose_85 posted...
What an absolute gutter trash vile excuse of a human being
You're being too nice. Amber Heard is a harpy. She is not human.

I particularly love how Amber continues to present herself as this perfect little angel who did absolutely nothing wrong and was impeccable with her decision-making. Like... that makes it clear you're lying to make yourself look good.

Hopefully Warner Bros. cuts her from Aquaman 2 entirely. The only person she could sue for defamation in that regard is herself. SHE did this. She can't blame anyone but herself for the end of her career. She will hopefully be institutionalized. I mean... "Okay, so everyone except Amber Heard is a liar, got it." is some logic.

Amber also messed up in THIS trial by trying to blame Johnny for something that was first in the news before she'd even met him. Camille caught the harpy in a BUNCH of her lies and, instead of just owning the fact that she's not perfect, Amber insists she's a massive victim and that everyone else is out to get her. It was incredibly satisfying to watch Camille murder the shit out of Elaine trying to redirect, too. Camille is the heroine this story needed - she is everything Amber Heard thinks she is. There's a reason Camille is getting thousands of marriage proposals (and no doubt gifts from admirers mailed to her office). It would also not shock me if she rarely went to trials after this because people would see who they're up against and want to settle out of court to avoid facing her.

Sounds like I didn't miss much with iO. He sounds awful and did nothing to help Amber's case. Rocky is destroying her case once and for all. They don't have any witnesses or "experts" who can salvage this. All because Amber is so heavily distorted that she thinks that reality is her version only and she can't admit a single fault. Almost nobody is on her side. She is an abusive monster (and I block anyone who says they side with her, because they're admitting that they're abusive people too).
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))
Am I missing something? IO backing up Amber's claims seems like it would definitely help her case. As now it isn't just Amber's word and IO is also claiming to have seen signs of physical abuse. Is it enough to make up for Amber's cross? Probably not but I would definitely say it helps.

On the other hand Rocky sounds like they should have been a witness for Depp and I have no idea why they got called by Amber's team. She literally made multiple statements that point to Amber having lied on the stand multiple times and doesn't back up any claims. A hugely damaging witness for Amber's side.
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
Board 8 » Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial 2
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