Are there times you HAVE felt snobbish about Quality of life additions to games?

Board 8

the only example i can think of being against a QoL improvement is something that simplifies a strategic element of a competitive multiplayer game.

for example in league of legends they used to count your cs (creep score) in the jungle for each monster individually, even though some camps had 1 monster and others had like 8, even though both camps were worth roughly equivalent gold and xp. and based on looking at your opponent jungler's cs number you could do the math and figure out which camps they did. that was kind of a cool strategy that was exclusively done in higher levels of play.

but at some point a few years ago they normalized this so every camp was worth 4 cs to better reflect the actual gold value of each camp being equivalent, since cs is often a proxy for gold. it's a minor quality improvement that removed a unique strategic element.

in a single player game i don't think i would or could ever possibly care though
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal