Politics Containment Topic 401: Haley's Vomit

Board 8

guffguy89 posted...
oh wow, you got me there. It's been over two years into his presidency and many years prior to that in public service, but I'm still not supposed to have an opinion of the guy? LoL, like up to this point I was supposed to have a blank slate of opinion on him so I could objectively opine on his handling of this situation.

It's not just ok--but extremely cool to talk about how much Joe Biden sucks.

But not shooting down a balloon full of metal the size of 3 school busses that's 66,000 feet above people and infrastructure is fine.

There are spy satellites that can read people's t-shirt's, what exactly do you think this balloon could even do?

Do you think shooting it down and blasting deadly debris in a multiple mile radius is cool? If someone died from that, would it still be worth it?

In short:
You sound dumb.

Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado