Politics Containment Topic 401: Haley's Vomit

Board 8

Mr_Lasastryke posted...
if you think nikki haley is a "great candidate," there's no fucking way you're a moderate.
Which Republican candidate do you prefer? The other choices were literally Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Ron Desantis. Not that I care to prove to be a "moderate" or care about your opinion when you and 2-3 others have already dropped the shroud in just saying stupid shit to try and elicit responses.

Nikki is a more mainline republican in comparison to the bonkers some on the right have gone lately. She politically has the right acumen and measure she carried herself in. She has shown she is willing to try and bridge differences in opinions, yet also has backbone to back away when it becomes too far against what she is willing to accept despite the political ramifications. She is able to tell who should be her own allies to shove it if they go too far. I like that about her.

I don't understand how I am supposed to compare her stances to the others when the field hasn't materialized yet and their campaign stances for this election haven't been shown yet.

Generally my stances fall in line with Trump a lot. If you could put some of his stances with a good temperament, it would go along way. As of right now, Nikki is probably the best choice of the lot presented. She is a good candidate. Like I said, we will see. There is probably 20 more coming.
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