Online dating sucks

Board 8

Underleveled posted...
Really? Considering most online services have gotten worse over the years (the result of corporate greed) and as you get older the dating pool close to your own age gets smaller, I see no reason to believe online dating would have done anything but go down the shitter.

No it's just because I remember when it was a new thing, and it was a stigmatism. Then suddenly it was a real and true way to find the love of your life. But apparently that was a short lived window bc corporate greed (ruining the world two steps at a time mirite).

TomNook posted...
Don't fall into the trap that you have to date or be in a relationship to be happy. That life isn't for everyone, but many people think their life success is measured in things like that, and they get depressed when they don't accomplish something they feel they are supposed to. If you are really craving companionship, then go for it. But if you just feel like you aren't "where you are supposed to be at this point in your life", re-evaluate why you care in the first place, and don't let the lifestyle that others have chosen for themselves influence you.

This is a great post. It doesn't apply to me specifically but more people need to realize this fact. I would much rather die alone than end up with someone I don't belong with and I feel most people have that backwards.

MoogleKupo141 posted...
is Eharmony not like a Christian thing? I always had the impression it was a Christian thing

I thought that was ChristianMingle? Eharmony does sound like a christian thing though tbf
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.