Online dating sucks

Board 8

UltimaterializerX posted...
No one worth dating is using a dating app, and they are in no way designed to help you find a partner. Theyre meant to keep men addicted and to drain men of their resources, and not much else.

Get off the dating apps and look for people in person. Doing just that puts you in the top 20% of men just because youll stand out so much. That percentage can be cut down even more if you have money, youre good looking, tall, etc.

Ok well this isnt true at all.

The most obvious rebuttal to this is there are executive dating apps for C-suite managers who dont have time to date the hard way.

If someone making millions of dollars a year isnt worth dating I dont know what to tell you.

While that example is a bit extreme, the principle is the same wherein the more specific type of person you are looking for, the better the chance searching specifically is going to be better than finding a random person out in the wild.

Tinder sucks though