Online dating sucks

Board 8

_stingers_ posted...
I just had an awesome first date on Saturday and we hit off, talked for 5 hours, made out in my car for like 30 mins, made plans for a second date and then she texts me 2 hours ago and says she's not feeling a match and wants to break it off. Like what the fuck? I swear that people just get off on messing with my head cuz idk how you can just 180 like that in 2 days. I hate online dating too man this shit is hell

Dude, I had one of these a year and a half ago. Dynamite girl, we had a great time, made specific plans. Then she was cancelling... Didn't have the guts to full-on cut things off, so she ghosted me after I tried to reschedule.

She's a big fan of Rent so I rubbed it in her face that I saw Adam Pascal live a couple months later.

UltimaterializerX posted...
No one worth dating is using a dating app, and they are in no way designed to help you find a partner. Theyre meant to keep men addicted and to drain men of their resources, and not much else.

Get off the dating apps and look for people in person. Doing just that puts you in the top 20% of men just because youll stand out so much. That percentage can be cut down even more if you have money, youre good looking, tall, etc.

Ok boomer
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic