What was the general consensus on Great Ace Attorney I and II?

Board 8

SeabassDebeste posted...
one of the reasons it's painful is that these are really really long cases and yeah, GAA1's resolutions suck. if there's a flaw in GAA2 it's certainly that it buckles under the weight of the story it creates by the end.

that said the music, animations, and protagonists are top notch and the general setting is excellent
Part of the problem GAA2 has at the end is the primary villain is absurdly easy to see coming for a very long time, and it really doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment to "discover" this and take them down. I feel like they're setting this up back in the first game.

I also immediately figured out the primary reason "why" Kazuma was sent to England in case 1-3 because of how that same character talks to you the first time you meet them.
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!