If given the option, which Ace Attorney case would you have scrapped/rewritten?

Board 8

Balloon animal clown girl does not a good case make, because she must contend with rakugo and noodles. Somedays, I wish the localization would just give up the U.S. pretense and say it's set in Japan. However, having to cite 5-2 as a silly ass theme park in the mountains of California...sure. It "could" exist. But probably doesn't. It's be like that Gargoyles episode where that weird Japanese guy tried to make a fucking Disney theme park with gargoyles. At least they had the balls to say their boat landed in Tokyo.

Maybe it's because I just got done watching Kabukicho Sherlock or something. Rakugo sounds like something super fucking weird to base a case around.
"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass