What would the Noble 9 of systems be?

Board 8

I think you guys are making a serious strength attribution error ala Red/Blue in the rivalry contest where the component parts might not seem strong, but the conceit of the contest changes the math. I think the NES and Game Boy are stronger than people think merely because a lot of people will feel they're Deserving of the title of Best Console Ever - the Game Boy especially has such a strong factor of being regarded as a historic great among its peers, even if it has a maximum three games on the site with any meaningful strength. That doesn't mean it will beat SNES/PS2, but I would very quickly take it or NES over PS4. No hesitation. The PS4 library obviously beats either of those systems in a round robin but it lacks the cultural cache of truly being remembered as a great, and people tend to consider the question of "which is the greatest of all time?" when voting.